Sunday, July 8, 2018

Unconditional Love from God

Pink Petaled Flower Plant Inside White Hanging Pot

Most of us feel unlovable due to the trauma we experienced since conception in our mother's womb. Feeling rejected, abused, detached, neglected, deprived, etc. haunts us all the days of our life.

These emotions color our outlook and perspective, influence our choices, and effect our relationships. Divorce, abandonment, vocational issues, our child's rebellion and disownment of us, etc. all affect the way we look at life and relate to other people.

It is only when we experience the depth of God's sacrificial love for us that we begin to heal from these overwhelming emotions. We know without a doubt that He will work out everything for our ultimate good (Romans 8:28).

God's unconditional love is not based on our behavior, but only on His unrestricted reward, which comes with our repentance and acceptance of His free gift of salvation (Romans 3:23, 6:23, 8:5).

His love helps us to feel accepted, honored, integrated into His family, and hopeful and optimistic about our future - since we realize that our life and death are entirely in His capable and loving hands (Psalm 31:15).

We have no more need to hide behind masks, negative emotions, aloofness, a controlling attitude or self-centeredness. Christ in us gives us an abundance of love to give away to those who need our compassion and service.

We experience life from a different viewpoint now, and interact with people and issues with faith in God's ultimate plan for each moment of our day. We are God's emissaries to bring His love and forgiveness to our family, friends and community.

God's love is eternal and unjudgmentally meets us in our humanity, just as we are. His Spirit gradually sanctifies our soul (1 Thessalonians 5:23; John 17:17), and transforms us with the mind and nature of Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16; 2 Peter 1:4).

We find courage, wisdom and power to live in this world, when we totally surrender the outcome of our life to His loving plans, and when we realize that Christ is our whole life both now and for eternity (Colossians 3:3-4).

Father God, we believe; but at times, we need Your help with our unbelief (Mark 9:24). We treasure Your unfailing love and enjoy Your continual presence during each moment of our day and night. We joyfully surrender to Your will and thank You for showing us Your ways.

Thank You also for healing the effects of the wounds of our past, and for using them so that we can help others that You bring into our life, who are also experiencing the same trauma and trials (Luke 22:31-25). We choose to trust You, regardless of our tribulation during the rest of our life.

Thought for the Day:
God fills our thoughts, words and deeds with His guidance, wisdom and strength throughout our life on this earth; and then He takes us to our eternal reward, and rejoices over our death, because it brings us into His presence forevermore.
- Psalm 81:10, 116:15