Friday, January 11, 2019

A Good Marriage - Complementing One Another

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It is a known fact, one that is the brunt of many jokes, that men and women are different. We have diverse strengths and weaknesses, physical prowess and looks, talents and abilities, and outlook on life.

Jesus changed the thinking in the world about the role of women. He championed equality, as do many of the other Biblical authors. God's Spirit teaches us how to value one another's differences and to depend on each other's strengths.

God uses our distinctive characteristics to influence the world around us. He also uses traits, which we share in common and that are similar in strengthen, to impact our home, workplace and community.

We complement each other through our gifts and talents, and we complete each other through our individual strengths. We also make it a point to compliment our spouse rather than to tear each other down or to criticize one another.

I like to encourage couples to live within their means in order to allow the mom to stay home with their children - at least during the first five formative years of their life. Once they enter school, then mom can work at a vocation during those same hours.

Of course, in our modern world, fathers often take that role of raising the babies while mom uses her skills in the workplace. The individual that is the most nurturing and empathetic works best in this stay-at-home role.

God is the actual head of the home, the husband submits to Him, and the wife submits to her husband (Ephesians 5:23). The husband loves and leads his wife as Jesus does the church, by laying down his life for her.

A husband is a servant leader, not a dictator. He considers his wife's needs before making any decisions; and he never makes pronouncements without first giving her the opportunity to speak for herself, especially when the choice will impact her life.

Father God, Your Word shows us that Jesus had strong women in His life: Mary Magdalen, Martha and Mary - the sisters of Lazarus, etc. You created men and women differently, but equally. We are co-heirs together with Your Son, and Your Spirit works in everyone's life the same way.

Help us to grow together in our relationship, rather than to pull apart. We want to work in unison to further Your Kingdom, and to be an example in our marriage of Your love for the church. When others look at our marriage, we want them to see Your hand in promoting our cooperation with and nurturing of one another.

Thought for the Day:
We submit to one another as equal co-heirs with Jesus of God's entire Kingdom, batting ideas around until we find a plan of action for which we both approve, and in which we share in the excitement as we work together as a team.