Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Transcending the Limits of This World

Top View of Valley Near Body of Water

Our imagination cannot even fathom the depths of glory, which God already prepared to share with those that love Him. Yet, for those who are Born Again, our spirit realizes that God has our best interest in heart in every aspect of life now and in eternity.

God's Holy Spirit freely reveals to us the mysteries of God, which are hidden from those who do not believe in Him. They are blinded by the spirit of the world, and consider Biblical concepts as foolishness, because they cannot spiritually discern them (1 Corinthians 2:7-15).

Unbelievers reject the gospel, because its power convicts them of their sin. Some people have been wounded and disappointed in life, and they blame God for what they experienced; yet, they cannot escape God's truth, and they intuitively know that He is calling them to true repentance and belief (Mark 1:15).

With Christ abiding within authentic Believers by His Spirit, we function on this earth in our human existence; but we live in and by and through the power of God dwelling within our body, soul and spirit. We completely surrender to God's will and invite Christ to reign in us.

This allows Him to manifest Himself in our individual life, which changes our viewpoint, philosophy, goals, dreams and desires. We yoke our life with His, and partner with Him in furthering His Kingdom on the earth. This allows us to enter into His complete rest (Hebrews 4:9-11).

Our finite thinking limits God's ability to use us in His power, but He is ever calling us into a deeper and fuller life of walking by His Spirit, so that He can bless us in His purposes for our individual life (Ephesians 2:10; Galatians 2:20). We live, move and have our identity in Him alone (Acts 17:28).

Father God, we are approaching the final hours of existence on this sin-cursed planet, because Your imminent return is getting closer with each passing year. Thank You for coming as our Immanuel, and dwelling and dying in human form to take authority over the world, Satan and our flesh.

We pray for those on the verge of coming to faith in You. Strengthen them in their inner being (Hebrews 3:16), so they may believe in You and enjoy Your presence in their life. Thank You for enabling us to transcend the limits of this world, and to walk in Your Spirit as we surrender our life to Your Spirit and purpose.

Thought for the Day:
The King of kings and Lord of lords, who has all authority and dominion and power over life in this earthly plane, abides in us - His temple built with living stones; the government shall soon be on His shoulders, and we look forward to serving Him for eternity.
- 1 Peter 2:5; Isaiah 9:6