Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Winning the Rat Race

Brown Wheelbarrow on Grass

The structure of our society encourages us to neglect our self, and to put our vocation as our number one priority. We are a slave to the almighty dollar, to pleasing our boss, and to moving up the corporate ladder to what we think is success.

Many of us tire of the rat race sooner or later. Then we choose to downsize, to simplify, and to tighten our budget. We do this in order to spend less than we make, and to live within our means. We stop neglecting our needs as a well-rounded person.

A cloud of weariness lifts off our shoulders, and we have more energy to traverse the path of life. We enjoy more time having fun with our spouse and children. Our soul - our thoughts, feelings and choices - feels lighter and happier.

We have more energy to bear each other's burdens and to help lighten one another's load (Galatians 6:2). Our soul starts to prosper, because we discover the true riches of life (3 John 1:2, 2:5). We dwell with each other with understanding, and we help to provide for each other's needs (1 Peter 3:7).

This allows us to make sure that we give each other time to care for "self" too, to spend time with one another and with friends, or to pursue hobbies that we enjoy. We realize that we have worth and value to another person, and that God cares about us (Luke 12:6-7).

God's Word makes more of an impact on us, and has more influence on our choices, as we take the time to read and to absorb its truth. We grow spiritually, which also helps us to have more peace and joy in our soul and better health in our body.

Father God, help us to get our priorities straight, and to make more time in our daily schedule to focus on You and to what is truly important. This helps us to escape the downward spiral of negative emotions born from fatigue, and from neglecting our self and our needs. We draw closer to You and walk deeper in our union with You.

Remind us that two are better than one, because we bear one another's burdens. If one of us is weary, we encourage each other, and we help to lift up each other if we fall (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10). Thank You that no one can snatch us from Your hand, and that Your agape love fills us with each step that we take (Isaiah 49:15-16).

Thought for the Day:
We can turn to the Lord when our burdens make us weary, and He will give us rest in spirit, soul and body; at the same time, we lift up each other and share from our abundance, so that others will be able to help us in our time of need.
- Matthew 11:28-30; 2 Corinthians 8:13-14