Friday, January 25, 2019

Rescued from the Storms

road covered by snow near vehicle traveling at daytime 

Ever feel like you are drowning in life's issues? People often discourage us, abuse us, neglect us, take us for granted, demoralize us, take advantage of our good nature, manipulate us, and tell us lies about our self that we usually believe.

Seeing our situation, God reaches down to hold us, to liberate us from our enemies who are too powerful for us to overcome, to support us when others let us down, and to deliver us from a tight fix by putting us in a spacious, freeing and inspiring place in life.

When we doubt our value and struggle with our environment, God rescues His Saints from the depth of the sea of negative conditions, and He delights in us (Psalm 18:16-19). His sacrificial love helps us to feel loved, peaceful, joyful, wanted, cared about and cherished.

He sends other people and accomplishments into our life to bless us, to fill our heart with acceptance and grace, to teach us new skills, and to build our feelings of self-worth. He accepts us just the way we are. God’s plan for us is the best path for us to take (Psalm 32:8).

God continues to make us holy and to fill our life with His purpose, ponderings and priorities. We draw near to Him, and we resist the devil and his lying thoughts and interference in our life. Then, he and his demons have to flee from us (James 4:8).

We resist our human penchant to allow times of ministry inactivity, disappointed realities, debilitating issues, etc. in our life to coax us away from our intimacy with God, or to grieve the Holy Spirit by our delving into sinful practices.

In God's presence is fullness of joy forever (Psalm 16:11). Our Father God will eventually reveal His seed for a miracle in every trial. He is in control; and He uses circumstances to perfect us, to prove to us His faithfulness, and to teach us that time is not really relative in our spiritual walk with Him.

Father God, hold us close to You, because we know that You will never let us go (Hebrews 13:5). Remind us to simplify our life, to cut back on those commitments we made out of our sense of duty or the kindness of our heart, to find Your purpose for us in those mundane efforts You call us to make in our service to You.

We want to trust You in our tragedies too. Remind us that when we feel far from You, gratitude will open Your gates, and praising will bring us right back into Your courts (Psalm 100:4). We want to rejoice in Your love, rather than to mope in depression caused by things not going our way. We rely on Your joy within us as our strength (Nehemiah 8:10).

Thought for the Day:
God’s wisdom, grace, love and supernatural abilities reside within us in Jesus Christ and are always available to meet all of our needs; undistracted devotion to God allows us to tap into all of His power and majesty in order to live our life as Elijah and Enoch did. 
- 1 Corinthians 1:30