Saturday, January 5, 2019

Transitioning through the Depth of Darkness

Forest during Dawn

“You have turned on my light! The Lord my God has made my darkness turn to light.” Ps 18:28-29

Have you ever been in the dark without even a candle or the moon for light? It is very, very dark. I learned this verse soon after a Florida hurricane wiped out our electricity for eight days.

The only recourse we had was to go to sleep with the sunset and wake with the sunrise. We eventually got a rechargeable flashlight that lasted a few hours for those moments of emergency need. Life is often like stumbling in a dark room.

In today's spiritual climate, our family, friends and community are stumbling away from faith in God, and rejecting His loving arms. They are choosing obscurity and death over an eternity with Him in His glorious light.

In our lifetime, God uses technology, weather disasters, constant wars, growing evil, and even celebrities in each generation to prove to us that His Word is truth (John 17:17). Yet, people have scales over their eyes and no spiritual ears to hear.

Sometimes, we Believers cause others to drift away from faith in Christ. In our humanity we fail to witness to them (Ezekiel 3:18), or we are poor examples to them of an authentic Believer (Psalm 23:3).

God sent His only begotten Son into the world to call everyone to repentance and belief; Jesus even came back from the dead and lived again in His community for several weeks (Acts 1:3), but few believed in Him, even then.

Father God it amazes me that in the center of the earth is a sea of molten lava and fire, which erupts into the air from time to time; yet, people refuse to believe in You or in a literal hell. Jesus did not come to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved (John 3:16-18). Help us to lift Jesus higher, so people will be drawn to Him (John 12:32).

Carnal contentment often lulls people into a spiritual sleep, and they neglect their own salvation without realizing their intense need for Your presence and intimate fellowship in their life (Hebrews 2:3). They avoid the Light of Christ, which exposes their debauchery (1 John 1:5,7). Help us to continually shine Your light into our world; so those who choose, may be saved (Matthew 5:14-16).

Thought for the Day:
When our world spirals out of control, we often blame God for the results; rather than drawing closer to His compassion and agape love for our comfort.