Saturday, January 12, 2019

A World of Hurting People

low angle photography of trees at daytime

We live in a hurting world. Everyone has their issues to deal with, and some of them are all alone. We can help to alleviate this problem, and to make a difference in our sphere of influence, by having empathy for everyone who crosses our path.

As we walk through a public place, sit at a traffic light, stroll through our neighborhood, or wait for an appointment, we can start to notice people. We intently look at their face and study their body language to tell if they are weary.

In our world of financial instability, job insecurity, relational failures, depression, hopelessness, anxiety, stress and grief, people need to know that someone cares about them. God cares, and He wants us to care too.

Most people manage or anesthetize their trauma by burying it in their subconscious mind or dulling their pain with addictions. The Holy Spirit will help us to look beneath the mask of determination and business they adopt, in order to see those who need our help.

A simple smile will do wonders. When God "highlights" a person for us to speak to, we can say, "Excuse me. I do not mean to impose on you, but I just want to tell you that God loves you and has a perfect plan for your life."

Some may reject our outreach; but many will thank us, and others may even cry to know that they are not alone in their personal horror of life. We also help others, when they are rude to us, by showing kindness to them.

We can compassionately ask people, "How is your day going?" This allows them to vent to us; and once they do, we can offer, "May I pray for you?" If they say "yes", then we can further ask, "May I pray right now?"

Of course, "Charity begins at home." So, let's observe our relatives and those in our church family as well. Look in their eyes and ask, "How is your day/week going?" Then, just listen. Do not offer advice or lecture, criticize or belittle them. Just care.

Father God, there are so many hurting people in this sin-cursed world. Use us as emissaries of Your love and care for them. Keep us tuned into the guidance of Your Holy Spirit during each moment of the day. Give us Your holy boldness to compassionately empathize with others by reaching out to those You highlight for us to approach.

Remind us not to allow our worldview, political preferences, religious differences, habits and hang-ups to divide us from those we encounter each day that need Your help. You call us to laugh with those who rejoice, to cry with those who are hurting (Romans 12:15), and to help them to turn to You in their struggles. We look forward to your next divine appointment for us.

Thought for the Day:
Everyone on this earth is doing their best to fight through hopelessness, to pull themselves up by their bootstraps, to battle their demonic oppression or possession, and to control their circumstances; God is their only hope of a better life now and throughout eternity; let's boldly share Him with them.