Sunday, January 13, 2019

Be Anxious for Nothing

Pink Flowers Photograph

There are so many issues in life that cause us stress, anxiety, depression, and even terror at times. We take medication to calm our nerves, to cheer us up, and to anesthetize the pain; but this is only a temporary fix at best.

We often find it difficult to release our grip on worry and anxiety. Trouble vexes our soul, and we see no hope or way out of our dilemma. However, this is due to our finite focus, and our limited viewpoint. Actually, we are winners, not whiners.

God's Word offers us good advice for eliminating these negative reactions to trauma, grief, stress, anxiety, etc. We do not need to carry our burdens alone, or to succumb to these negative emotions, which ruin our health in body, soul and spirit.

No issue is too small to take to the Lord in prayer, or mountain too high to climb once we realize that God actually cares that we cannot open the lid on that bottle, find our lost treasure (Luke 15:8-10), discover where we left our glasses, owe a financial bill that we cannot pay, etc.

Once we focus on the almighty power of God in the universe, our issue seems petty and inconsequential. As we trust Him with each new stressor, our faith in His faithfulness increases, because He proves Himself to us over and over again.

God helps us to understand the root cause of our issues. He gives us the courage to face the pain they bring, and to receive His healing for them. God's freedom is worth the fear of vulnerability initiated by the darkness we feel, in order to resolve the hidden concerns in our soul.

God teaches us valuable life lessons through our circumstances; we learn to allow patience to perfect us, rather than spending all of our energy in the futile exercise of attempting to control life, and we also realize the value of walking in the Spirit rather than reaping the consequences of our own misguided choices.

Father God, remind us that You hold all of the issues of life in Your hands (Job 12:10). You give us authority over every principality and demonic influence in our life (Ephesians 6:12-13). As we focus on the victories You already gave us, and turn our gratitude into praise, we find it easier to trust You with each new problem that arises.

Thank You for teaching us to focus on Your faithfulness rather than on the mountain of circumstances before us. Help us to stop wearing masks and to openly request prayer support from those who love us and faithfully walk with us through this life. Give us the wisdom to obey You each moment of our life and to walk in the center of Your will - the happiest place on earth.

Thought for the Day:
When we take every issue to God in prayer, and thank Him ahead of time for working them out for our good, He floods our heart with His peace, which has no basis in our circumstances, but is rooted and grounded in His love.
- Romans 8:28; Philippians 4:7