Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Knowing God Personally

Photo of Mountains Covered with Snow

On an elevator at the hospital, I admired a cross worn by a lady riding up to her floor with us. She thanked me and I asked her, "Do you know the Jesus who died on that cross for us?" She answered, "Well, not personally."

I told her that she could know Him personally, and He was only a prayer away from her. At that moment the elevator doors opened and we both went our separate ways. I pray for her still, that she will pray to God for that intimate relationship with Him.

Knowing God personally is the greatest privilege of life on this earth. This unity not only guarantees our eternal destination, but also improves the quality of life that we enjoy during our time here. Though mountains of evil surround us, God levels our path (Psalm 27:11).

Jesus offered that we come to Him in our burdened weariness, and He promised us His rest if we do. We yoke up with Him through life, and He carries our burdens for us. His gentle, humble heart gives us rest for our soul - our mind, emotions and decisions (Matthew 11:28-29).

We can follow the apostle Paul's advice and refuse to allow anxiety to influence our thoughts and feelings, as we take all of our concerns to God in prayer. God's peace floods our soul, regardless of our circumstances, and guards our heart and mind in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:6-7).

When we make a personal relationship with Jesus Christ our priority in each day (Matthew 6:33), life is not perfect; but He equips us with His Godly attitude, viewpoint, wisdom and strength for every trial that we face.

Father God, we no longer struggle with life's choices when we seek You and Your direction prior to every activity we perform at home, work, church and play. We follow the direction of Your Holy Spirit every moment of the day. Help us to use our anxiety over issues as an impetus for prayer.

We want to turn over every ounce of stress that attempts to invade our thoughts, emotions and choices to Your spiritual guidance. Thank You that by doing this, we experience Your peace and joy, which invade our body, soul and spirit. We always want to live in surrender to Your will and to follow Your peace through any struggle that we encounter.

Thought for the Day:
The God of peace has mercy on us in every situation in life, because of His unfailing love for each one of us individually; His compassion blots out and purifies us from the stains of our sins, and removes all guilt and shame that cloud our soul. - Psalm 51:1-2