Friday, January 18, 2019

Life's Purpose

pink sakura tree at day time

This world is made up of all types of people: different personalities, body shapes, facial structure, hair and eye color, hopes, dreams, goals, reality, etc. We sometimes feel like we are hopelessly spinning our wheels.

When we continually suffer rejection, disappointment, abuse, abandonment, unrealized dreams and goals, etc. it sickens our soul - our thoughts, emotions and choices. This makes our body and spirit sick as well (Proverbs 13:12).

Dreamers have many creative ideas, but rarely follow through with any of them. This type of person is easily distracted, they have little ambition or fortitude, and they waste time and money pursuing unrealistic goals (Proverbs 12:24).

They resent authority, despise wise council and discipline (Proverbs 1:7), and they want to do everything their own way (Isaiah 53:6). They have many dreams and a plethora of words, but their life is empty (Ecclesiastes 5:7).

Dreamers want the glory without the work involved to get there - a "get rich quick" scheme. They often sabotage their own plans before they can bear fruit, due to their impatience and fear of success.

That is also why, that when they get what they want in order to pursue their dream, they never follow through; they usually move on to pursue a new dream right away (Ecclesiastes 7:18).

We all need direction in our life, a God-inspired vision, which directs our steps each day (Proverbs 29:18). A single focal point with plenty of elbow grease will see success, as we inch toward the prize for the calling of God on our life (Philippians 3:14).

When we seek God's plan for our life, we avoid distractions and extreme over-reactions to life. We leave a legacy behind for others to build upon, and we see the results of our labor when we arrive in heaven and meet the people who are fruit of our efforts (Proverbs 12:24).

Father God, we are part of the masses, but You desire for us to individually make a difference in our world. Give us Your holy boldness to avoid the distractions and extremes that this world encourages, and sometimes even requires for success. Walking in Your will for our individual life is our whole goal and purpose for living.

We want to live in moderation, simple lives without encumbrances from Satan and the world. As we walk according to Your principles for our life, we can reach out to others in Your name. Teach us to do the hard work required to further Your Kingdom, and give us Your stamina. We know that we can accomplish everything You call us to do through Christ who abides within us (Philippians 4:13).

Thought for the Day:
God proves Himself to us so that people will revere Him, and everything that He ordains will last for eternity;  He calls us to do nothing out of selfish ambition and vain conceit, but to do only that which we see and hear our Father God inspiring us to accomplish.
- Ecclesiastes 3:14; Philippians 2:3, John 5:19