I see a dead animal in the road, I am filled with remorse and tears that my
sins caused this to happen. All creation groans from the weight of my sin (and
yours), and looks forward to the revelation of the Sons of God to put an end to
its suffering (Romans 8:22-23).
Holy Spirit also groans within us as He knows our thoughts, searches our heart,
helps us in our weaknesses, and intercedes for us according to the will of God
for us as individuals (Romans 8:26-27). These groanings are deep, heart-felt
emotions that mirror our own pain and grief.
it takes what we consider a long time for God to answer our prayers. Therefore,
it is encouraging to realize that God's Spirit knows, feels, and intervenes for
the supply of all of our needs. Jesus is also our advocate with our Father God,
praying for us continually (1 John 2:1).
world-wide church family prays for us too. With this support and empathy from of
these allies, we cannot fail to receive what God desires for our life. We do
not even traverse the pathway of death alone (Psalm 23). The Holy Spirit, as a
part of God's Trinity, knows best how to pray for us.
redeemed us and brought life to our spirit, which was formerly dead in Adam's sin
(Ephesians 2:1-5); the Holy Spirit is sanctifying us, guiding us and teaching
us all things; and Father God has perfect plans for us as we follow them each
moment of the day (Ephesians 2:10).
God, thank You that You did not orchestrate our birth and then just leave us
forsaken on this horrid, sin-filled earth. As we walk in Your perfect plans for
our life, we find ultimate and total righteousness, peace and joy by Your
Spirit (Romans 14:17, 15:13). Teach us that in our moments of suffering, Christ
is right there with us and in us every step of the way, helping us to bear our
burden as we are yoked with Him (Matthew 11:29).
us not to minimize or ignore our pain, or put on a brave face in our anguish.
Our pain is as real as anyone else's. Even though others may have issues in
their life that are much worse than ours, this does not mean we cannot validate
our suffering as genuine and in need of God's intervention. Teach us to rely on
faith in Your faithfulness through every trial and tribulation.
for the Day:
Believers can live in assurance that we are bathed in prayer, not only by our
Christian brothers and sisters, but by the Trinity of God as well, working out
ever trial - physical, emotional, mental, financial and spiritual - for our
ultimate good.
Romans 8:28