Thursday, January 30, 2020

Outreach into Our Community

gray concrete road top between green trees

Finding a church home helps us to join together relationally with family, neighbors and friends. People connect people to any church, not the preaching or the programs. When we join a church, we can easily assist in any number of ways in order to reach our community for Christ. 

Most people crave being noticed. They want to know that another human being is interested in how they are, what they think, and how they feel (Leviticus 19:34; Matt 25:35-40). When we ignore a visitor or a stranger among us, we are ignoring the Lord Jesus Christ Himself.

He sends people to us every week, and He expects us to show them that we care about them, and to allow Him to use us to minister to their needs. There are always several ministries, which are easy to be involved in after we join a church.

The First Impression Ministry: such as Door Greeters, Sanctuary Greeters, and Information-Table Greeters. Also valuable is Security, Parking lot attendants, and Altar Ministry to pray with people when they come forward at the Invitation at the end of the service.

Then we have follow-up ministries with our visitors, such as Telephone & Visitation Ministry that can fit right into your schedule. Also, we have Breakthrough Classes that help people to discover their gifts and calling. Of course, inviting people to join you in your Sunday School Class will give them Bible training and fellowship.

In the midst of all of this is the Outreach ministry. This Encourager ministry also involves home visitation, taking food during times of trauma, phone calls and sending cards to both visitors and members.

Many churches also have weekly Prayer Walks in our community that go out to chat with people they meet during their walks. This enables our neighbors to see our friendliness, as we encourage them to come sit with us during a service.

The Kitchen Ministry is another vital place of service. Any time that food is served at the church, people are needed to make iced tea and coffee, to set up tables with decorations and enough chairs, to fill the serving tables with donated food brought by our members, and then to clean up after each time of fellowship.

Father God, show us where we can best be a help and a blessing to the congregation which You encouraged us to join in order to serve. Help us to be a blessing, and to never spread discord or to gossip about other members or visitors (). Use us to help people to feel wanted, needed, cared about and special.

Give us ears to hear the needs that they hint about, but are afraid to actually admit. Provide us with extra finances in order to help people in our community that are in need. Lead us in the ministries in which You can best use our gifts and talents. Help us to live as Godly examples and committed children in Your family who truly care about those You send our way.

Thought for the Day:
There are so many ministries in the church, in which we can serve, in order to help our congregation to reach our neighbors with the love and nurture that God gives to us; this will further His Kingdom in the earth and give us the opportunity to spend eternity with them as well.