Friday, January 10, 2020

The Steadfast Love of the Lord

animal standing near body of water and mountains

There is no earthly love comparable to the Agape love of our precious Lord for us (Lamentations 3:22-23). He took the punishment of our sins in His own body and felt the physical pain of torture. Even worse than this, He experienced the rejection and estrangement from our heavenly Father (Matthew 27:46).

Because Jesus was forsaken for us, God never leaves or forsakes us (Hebrews 13:5), and His love grows more intimate each day that we totally surrender to His will, walk in obedience to His precepts, and submit to His guidance for each moment of our day.

As we commune with Him without ceasing, we follow His direction, and walk in His Spirit; going from one task to the next under His control. We also spend time worshipping and glorifying Him as our great "I AM," knowing that He works out everything for our ultimate good (Exodus 3:14; John 8:58; Romans 8:28).

Rather than filling each moment of our day with business and busyness, we continually pause to enter His rest. He floods our soul with joy, peace, and divine appointments that bless and prosper us, as they further His Kingdom in the earth.

Throughout the day, we steal times alone to commune with our Daddy God - to pray without ceasing and to listen to His words spoken to our heart, as well as to praise Him from the deepest recesses of our soul and spirit (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). His steadfast love for us motivates us to relish this time with Him.

Reflecting on the goodness of God in our life builds up our faith and increases our trust in Him. We see His hand in both our blessings and our grief, and we recognize the seeds for a miracle that He plants in every trial throughout our day.

God brings balance into our life, if we submit to His plans for us. He teaches us to value our connections in our family, community, workplace, and church. He helps us to have fun and to bless our soul, so that we can prosper and remain in health (3 John 1:2).

He also shows us areas in our life that need perfecting, areas that we can feel blessed by, areas that He wants us to pursue more committedly, areas that we need to back away from, and places of service in which He wants to use us to impact our world.

Father God, remind us to seek You first and only, as You direct us to the areas of service that You ordained for us, ways in which we can grow in our intimacy with You, habits that You want us to forsake and others that You want to encourage in our daily walk, people that You want us to distance our self from as well as others with which You want us to spend more time.

In our walk with You, we come to see the import of Your sacrifices for us during Jesus' earthly life. We learn that to focus on our own pursuits leads to negative thoughts, emotions and health. In our own strength, we fail; but following Your plans for us enables us to prosper. Your steadfast love, goodness, compassion and strength never fail us; and we praise You all the days of our life (Lamentations 3:22-23).

Thought for the Day:
Attempting to work for God in our own strength, talent and human abilities will accomplish little for God's Kingdom; but focusing on His priorities and plans for us will help us to find hope, contentment, and fulfillment both now and in eternity as His steadfast love sustains us through our current and future trials.
- Lamentations 3:24-25; Ephesians 2:10