Sunday, February 16, 2020

A Good Marriage - Loving Encouragement

brown bridge

In a good marriage, we are best friends; we enjoy a closeness with each other that we have in no other relationship; we love each other in thoughts, words and actions; we encourage and serve one another; we are kind and thoughtful; and we spend meaningful time with one another.

As we seek God's purpose for each moment of our day, Christ in us will inspire our thoughts, emotions and actions toward our mate (2 Corinthians 10:5). When we experience fears, insecurity, troubles, etc. we give one another comfort by sharing verses with each other from God's Word.

We look for, compliment, and nurture the good that our spouse does each day, rather than complaining about their faults and failings. This encourages them to repeat this positive behavior more often (Philippians 1:6). We can use creative ways to express this support.

Sending an email, text or leaving a note on their desk, or in their coat pocket, purse or briefcase will give them inspiration during times when we are apart. Another idea is giving verbal affirmation when we are chatting together in person or on the phone.

It is important for us to develop the habit of thanking our mate when they do something for us - even when they do some menial task that we usually take for granted, like: when they run a special errand for us, take out the trash, cook a meal, or put clean clothes in our closet and drawer.

Expressing the ways that we admire our mate will solidify their resolve to be a Godly example in the world around them, live with integrity and fidelity, and to do even better in those and other areas of their life. Our goal as a mate? Be an encourager.

Father God, remind us that everyone likes to be admired, appreciated and cherished. Help us to think of ways to express these feelings to our mate. We do not want to take for granted the ways in which they faithfully take care of us, consider our needs, make us a priority in their life, and intimately share their thoughts and feelings with us.

Teach us that our spouse is not our enemy, but our greatest ally. We do not need to compete with each other, or lecture one another, or to insist that we are right about some idea, a future decision, or past event. Help us to come to You together in prayer for Your wisdom and guidance when we need to make a decision. Our hope is only in You, Lord, and we rely totally on You for the fulfillment of all of our needs.

Thought for the Day:
Remember that there is always more than one way to do something correctly, always a third option when we disagree, and more than one viewpoint, opinion, or preference that is viable and advisable; we use respect, gladness, nurture, compassion, understanding, contentment, etc. when communicating our needs to our spouse - not ignoring our true feelings, but honestly expressing even our fears and insecurities.