Thursday, February 13, 2020

This Present Moment

green and white leafed plants

Most of the time people function in the present moment on automatic pilot! Usually, our thoughts are either on the past or the future. Neither of those topics is very useful for the present moment. It is wiser for us to practice paying attention to the “here and now.”

The past is over and forgiven, therefore, dwelling on it only hinders the present. We are not promised a future, so dwelling on the future is also futile. God’s gift to us is this present moment. What we do with it is our choice, and our gift back to God.

As we give our prayerful attention to the moment as God gives it to us to enjoy, we are aware of God’s presence in our lives and we follow the leading of His Holy Spirit moment by moment throughout the day. If you think about it, in actuality, the present moment is all we really have. 

In the present moment, we can encounter God on a personal level. In this minute, we begin to realize the extent of His love for us as His unique child. The outcome of sitting quietly in our prayer closet to begin each day is that we begin to pay attention to what we see and hear in this one moment of time.

The key to walking in the Spirit moment-by-moment is to concentrate on what is happening to us right now at this time. It is through this attentiveness to what is actually going on, in us and around us, that we become completely aware and fully alive.

We also become more effective in ministry, because we are in tune with God’s Spirit in the moment. The loving presence of God within us is closer to us than we are to our own self. After all, God knew us before the foundation of the world (Ephesians 2:10).

Father God, remind us that You knew us as You were forming us in our mother’s womb (Psalm 139), and that You have a perfect plan for our life (Jeremiah 29:11). As we dwell in Your will we can find true happiness and fulfillment. The only way we will know what You want us to do, however, is to listen to Your wisdom that You speak to our spirit. When we do take the time to listen, You meet us in all of Your glory.

As we sit in silence, with no inner or outer distractions, we reach a new level of awareness of You, and a place of inner tranquility (Isaiah 26:3). We take no thought about what we will wear, where we will live, or how we will get there (Matthew 6:25-34). We stop worrying about everything, because we prayerfully and thankfully put each issue in Your capable hands (Philippians 4:6).

Thought for the Day:
When we submit our thoughts, words and actions to the leading of God's Spirit, His peace - which defies human logic, keeps our heart and mind through Christ Jesus and guides us in the way that we should go.
- Philippians 4:7