Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Understanding the Spirit's Work

purple and white petaled flowers

The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity.  He is our sanctifier, comforter and our guide. He changed the lives of those disciples in the upper room; and for those who humbly submit to him, He has been changing lives ever since (Acts 2:4; Galatians 5:15-25).

A private room or quiet place is often necessary for us to focus and connect with God’s Spirit, but they are not necessary in order to stay connected with Him. After we discover this communion table deep inside of us, we do not have to be in a lonely place to hear from Him.

God is still God in the ordinary events of our life. We remain in His presence as we work in our vocation, carpool the children, fry the chicken, and fall asleep at night. Once we have our time of devotion each day, we do not have to withdraw physically in order to walk in the Spirit.

Starting in the place of physical stillness, our state of quiet devotion, we boldly enter God’s very presence with thanksgiving (Hebrews 4:16). We find our center of solitude within our own spirit; then, we connect with God’s Spirit and dwell there continually.

As we leave our prayer closet and go out into the world, we stay connected with Him. We thrive, because we follow His will for our life. We enter His courts with praise (Psalm 100:4), and continue our praises throughout our day, while we abide in His peace and joy.

As a branch, we simply hang out on the Vine and allow God's Spirit to use us to bear fruit in us and through us for God's Kingdom. Regardless of our outward circumstances, we continually abide in the Vine through the connection between our spirit and the Spirit of God.

Father God, remind us that when Your Holy Spirit leads us moment by moment throughout the day, we truly find fulfillment. We will do everything as He directs us, in the manner that will allow us to constantly remain in Your presence. Help us to see that He will also guide us in what we are to read, watch, hear, eat and drink, resulting in spiritual, emotional, mental, financial and physical fulfillment (1 Corinthians 10:31).

Remind us that we find contentment spiritually by what He leads us to read during our devotion, and by the church at which He leads us to make a covenant and commitment to serve You. Help us to rely on Him as He leads us to minister to people, and to be ministered to by people, according to His timely schedule. Here we find the fulfillment of our body, soul and spirit, because You always cause all things, even something unpleasant, to work together for our good (Romans 8:28).

Thought for the Day:
Until we submit to God's Spirit, and are led by Him each moment of our day, our flesh does not allow us to obey Him; yet, if we live by the Spirit, we will automatically refrain from gratifying the desires of our fleshly, sinful nature, which is set on opposing the Spirit; we decrease, so that He may increase.
- Galatians 5:16-18, 25; John 3:30