Saturday, February 29, 2020

Remembering God's Faithfulness

orange petaled flowers

We find it so easy to quickly forget the benefits of living as part of God's family (Psalm 103:2). We grumble more than we express gratitude to our benevolent Father. We put our church attendance and ministry on the bottom of our to-do list, and it is rarely a priority in our life.

However, a viable relationship with God and His family is vital to the health of our spirit and soul. When we take a break from fellowshipping with God's Saints, we put both our soul and spirit in jeopardy. We slip into the danger zone of our love for God growing cold (Matthew 24:12).

Conversely, living in unity with one Body of Believers gives us a support system; a means of spiritual maturity through corporate prayer, praise, and hearing the Word of God taught; as well as an opportunity to help others through their storms in life.

These tempests often shipwreck our faith in God's faithfulness. We do not value this opportunity to grow closer to God, to view His purifying work in our life, and to improve the depths of our union with Him. We develop more fear, anxiety and doubt, especially if we shun the support we have from our local church Body.

With a spiritual viewpoint and focus, we realize that storms have the potential of strengthening our faith, increasing our unity with God, and deepening our enjoyment of His presence - within us and all around us. Unity with God comforts, encourages and supports us in each moment of every day.

The fierce gales that come against us provide us with the opportunities to trust God and to see His salvation rescue us from every trauma, tumultuous event, and time of need. These are opportunities to immediately see God's power, wisdom, provision and purpose in every one of them.

Father God, teach us to embrace a heavenly perspective during the trials of life. Help us to see Your purpose in them, and to look for the seed for a miracle that You plant in every one of them - even when one negative event follows another, and we are weary of pain, disillusioned about our prospects, and insecure in regards to our future.

Help us to learn to embrace the pain of life, rather than to run from it, or to pretend it does not bother us. We learn, as Jesus did, to allow patience to have its perfect work in us during times of suffering (James 1:4-8). We praise You in every situation. Help us to maintain our faith in Your faithful intervention, provision and reassurance through it all.

Thought for the Day:
When we accept our circumstances - both the advantageous and the challenging - they are both beneficial in helping us to grow spiritually mature, and to access God's supernatural strength within us; He already knows the outcome, and He is equipping us with His wisdom and power to thrive and to succeed during every moment of our life.