Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Hindered Prayers

pink daisy flower

The fact that our prayers can be hindered came as a surprise to me. We ask and do not receive because we ask for the wrong reasons and motives (James 4:3). Another factor is that we are not asking according to the will of God, because we are walking in disobedience to God.

Additionally, another hindrance to our prayers is harboring unforgiveness in our heart toward someone. Satan would love for our woundedness to develop into bitterness; and therefore, to defile our whole house (Hebrews 12:14-16). He wants us to curse God and die (Job 2:9).

Forgiveness does not mean that we never think about the offense again, or that the memory does not trigger negative emotions in our soul. Human beings can forgive with God's help, but it is impossible to forget the violation imposed on us by someone else's words and deeds.

Forgiveness is a choice, a mental decision to obey the Lord and to allow His love in us to flow through us to the one who offended, discarded, disappointed or hurt us. God does not call us to "like" the person, but He does expect us to show kindness and compassion for them.

Praying "Your will be done" is the prayer that never fails, especially when it is coupled with a healthy dose of thanksgiving (Matthew 26:36-39). God answers all of our prayers with a "yes," "no," or "wait". His perfect will and timing are crucial for our fulfillment.

God wants us to love Him even if He does not answer us in the way that we want and expect. He promises to deliver us through our troubles and to make us a testimony for the world to see His goodness in our life - just like the three Hebrew children in the fiery furnace.

Father God, You want our faith to grow and You want us to love You more than we cherish the answers to our prayers. Therefore, You withhold Your response to our prayers sometimes, in order for us to learn perseverance in prayer. Jesus teaches us the importance of persisting in prayer, like the example Your Word gives us in Luke 18.

Remind us that if our prayers are not answered, we can examine our heart, and ask You to show us the truth about our attitude and beliefs. Getting our heart right with You leads us back to sweet communion with You, and to more answered prayers as we persevere through satanic discouragement, circumstantial evidence, and personal fears and insecurities.

Thought for the Day:
By faith, we can believe that God will deliver us through every trial and negative circumstance, because He promised that He would - maybe not in our timing but in His own will and way, because He uses our trials to allow patience to have her perfecting work in us, to strengthen our faith, and to further His Kingdom in the earth as we pray in Jesus’ name.
- Psalm 34:7, 17, 19; James 1:4-8