Monday, February 17, 2020

Victory in Life

selected-focus photography of yellow and white petaled flower with black and yellow bee

Humility does not come from a less than perfect beginning in life. Some of the most proud people in the world are those who feel uncertain and fearful. Pride is more common in those who did at one time, and maybe even still, live in abject circumstances and constant failings.

Arrogance is often a front that we adopt to hide our insecurities. Yet, pride causes God and others to shun us (Proverbs 3:34; 1 Peter 5:5; James 4:6). We try in vain to impress, but simply end up attracting rejection. A braggart, completely absorbed in their own looks, skillset, accomplishments and bank account, is not attractive in the least.

Shame is not humility. Some of us may feel a false sense of shame caused by years of listening to Satan's lies that he either whispers in our mind, or speaks to us through significant others in our life. Other people earn their shame from remorse over their negative behavior.

God does not heap shame on us when we sin, Satan does. He wants to debilitate us with a heavy weight of guilt. On the other hand, God will humble us with conviction over the error of our ways. With His conviction comes a recommendation of alternative behavior that leads to holiness, not hopelessness.

Clothing our self with humility is quite an attractive garment (Colossians 3:12; 1 Peter 5:5). Humility and compassion are the most alluring attitudes one can exhibit. People flock to people who care about them. We trust a humble person, but we draw away from someone dripping with pride.

Holiness is God's intention for His Bride of Christ (His Church, His Body). When we resist His efforts to perfect us in holiness, we thwart His purpose for our life. God's army is full of humble people who rely more on Him than they do on their human resources, and in this we find victory.

Father God, lead us to reject the need to hide behind our pride in order to maintain a certain standard that we falsely think is attractive. We want to humble our self in Your sight, and to surrender to Your perfect plan and purpose for our life (Ephesians 2:10; Psalm 139). We will decrease in our own sight, in order for You to increase in our life. We want others to look at us, and to see You reflected in our image.

Help us to adopt humility, because pride always goes before destruction (Proverbs 16:18). Create in us a pure heart, and renew Your Holy Spirit within us on a daily basis (Psalm 51:10). Help us to walk in humility, so that Your love takes pre-eminence in our attitude. We want to live as a city set on hill, so that others will see Christ in us, and will want what we have with You in their own life.

Thought for the Day:
We all hide behind pride now and then, it is so handy and easy to disappear behind; however, it is a false safety net and only causes more trouble than it is worth in our health, in our success in life, and in our relationships.
- Proverbs 16:18