Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Never Alone

brown wooden boat moving towards the mountain

In order to reduce our reliance on earthly riches, support and assets, God will often send proverbial locusts as an army to minimize our resources, and to cause us to turn to Him as our rovider and supplier (Joel 2:25).

I started my adult life with a handsome, talented husband. We soon entertained an adorable family of three precocious children. As they grew, God also gave me a meaningful career. To top it all off, He provided an attentive Pomeranian pet that was the delight of my life.

I counted all of these gifts as abundant blessings for which I thanked God daily. However, over a period of five short years, my children went off to college or moved away from home, and I lost my vocation as a teacher and mentor for my loving "at risk" teenagers.

Then, as if things could not get any more dismal, my husband of twenty-two years told me that he saw no option for us, but divorce. I soon stood alone in half of a duplex with a portable dishwasher, a single recliner and a couch that did not even match, a few bookcases, some furniture my dad made for me over the years, and an empty king-sized bed.

My Pomeranian was my only true remaining treasure. Incidentally, since I ended up working three jobs to pay my bills and to build up a savings for a rainy day, I eventually even lost my cherished dog. I had to give her to a lovely family across town, who had small children whom she adored, since I was never home any more.

God stripped me of everything, which I once held precious. One by one, they slipped through my fingers like chaff in the wind. When loss occurs, we either sink deeper by the day into a pit of gloom and despair, or we pull our self up by our bootstraps and valiantly press on through life.

We often believe that we cannot live without certain aspects that we think we need for our fulfillment. Then, as one day drags into the next, we stop struggling to regain the life we once knew. We gain the courage to look up into the light of God's face that is shining on us (Psalm 67:1; Numbers 6:25).

We finally throw our soul upon God’s mercy and grace, and we trust Him to do what is best for us. We find our strength, our joy and our hope centered in Him alone. I am living proof that God is the only source we need for fulfillment, contentment and blessings. 

God gradually blessed me with an adorable and loving husband, multiple grandchildren, a fulfilling ministry, a quaint cottage home full of beautiful furniture, and another gorgeous Pomeranian that distinctly resembled my little lost treasure.

When the time came to relinquish even some of these blessings, I weathered the changes much more smoothly, because I was no longer attached to any earthly treasures. I learned to daily enjoy my true and only treasure: the very presence of God's Trinity abiding in me, through me and with me.

Father God, once You strip us of everything except our relationship with You, it is easier to understand how Job successfully traversed such horrendous trials in His life. We too find the inner strength, which You give to us, to realize that Christ in us can overcome any trial that life throws our way.

You teach us to trust You with every detail of our life, and we look to You for Your guidance and wisdom for each moment that remains, until we will finally see You face-to-face. Thank You that, even when all is lost, we can look up, because Your redemption for us draws near (Luke 21:28). We learn to never take for granted one of Your precious gifts.

Thought for the Day:
Once we are stripped of every ounce of our “self”, and the treasures on which we base our happiness and contentment, we cast all of our cares upon God's mercies, which are new every single morning; then God starts to restore everything that He allowed Satan to remove from our life.
- 1 Peter 5:7; Lamentations 3:22-25; Job 1:8