Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Our Center of Solitude

trees painting

We start our day in a place of physical stillness in order to find a center of solitude within our own spirit. Then, we dwell there continually, with a deep sense of peace, as we leave our prayer closet and go out into the world.

Regardless of what our outward circumstances are throughout the day, we abide in the Vine, Jesus Christ, through our connection between our spirit and the Spirit of God. We come to a place of submitting solely to the leading of the Holy Spirit moment-by-moment throughout the day.

We exclude all busyness in our life, and we include only that which God directs us to do, to say, and to acquire.  We simplify our life by eliminating everything that clutters our mind, homes, work and church life. This eradicates our stress, and allows God's peace to reign in our heart.     

As we do the will of God for our life, we will always be in the right place at the right time to be a part of the huge miracle of God’s timing and direction. Our life is part of the flow of God's power in the earth, and we silence those who foolishly condemn the Gospel of Jesus Christ (1 Peter 2:15).

When we see God’s hand in our lives, we often call it “a God thing,” or a “divine appointment.”  That is the blessing of walking in the Spirit moment-by-moment. In being led by the Spirit of God we not only reap blessings for our self, but we are a testimony to others as well.

We are free from the law, but that does not give us permission to live in habitual sin. Instead, we live as those who are free to do only God's will at all times (1 Peter 2:16). When we do the will of God, He makes even our enemies at peace with us, and everything we do will prosper (Proverbs 16:7).

In our center of solitude, we are controlled and guided by the Spirit of God. We have the ability to resist the urges of our fleshly, carnal nature, and we walk in God’s will. He establishes peace for us, and everything that we accomplish during our lifetime is the result of what He does in us, through us, and for us (Isaiah 26:12).

Father God, if our former sinful nature controls us, we cannot please You; yet, when Your Spirit lives in us, and we submit to His direction, He controls us (Romans 8:8-9). When our mind is focused on sin, we abide in death; however, when we allow Your Spirit to control our thoughts, emotions and choices, You give us life and peace (Romans 8:6-7).

Help us to see that doing Your will brings with it not only spiritual blessings, but physical and emotional blessings as well. The fruit of righteous living is fulfillment, and in this place of solitude we find quietness and confidence. You give us peaceful and secure homes, as well as undisturbed places of rest along life's way (Isaiah 32:17-18).

Thought for the Day:
Our delight is in the law of the LORD, and on His law we meditates day and night; then God plants us like a tree by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither, and we realize that whatever we do in Christ prospers.
- Psalm 1:2-3