Saturday, February 8, 2020

Spiritual Ears to Hear

landscape photography of asphalt road in front of mountain

A quiet time alone with God is the most important part of our day. As we sit in God’s sweet Presence, we completely empty our self of our negative thoughts and feelings. An easy way to do this is by writing them down in our journal.

Emptying our soul of negativity creates a hollow space within us, which can eventually be filled up with the peace and joy that transcends all of the present circumstances in our lives, as it also allows us to ride serenely in the wake of every present and future storm. 

Have you ever really thought about what it means to have the Holy Spirit of God dwelling IN you?  We have all of the power of the entire Godhead residing within our spirit. Every attribute that is in God the Father, and in Jesus the Son reside in us through the Holy Spirit.

We receive the Holy Spirit into our lives when we receive Jesus as our Savior. If we do not have the Spirit of Christ, then we are not His (Romans 8:9). Daily, we make time to wait on the Lord and to pray so that God can give us a fresh filling of His Holy Spirit (Acts 13:52).

The peace and delight of the Holy Spirit sustain us through adversity and blessing alike, and they make everything in life more intensely beautiful (Isaiah 55:12). The God of hope fills us with joy, peace, and trust in Him alone, so that we overflow with hope by the power of His Holy Spirit (Romans 14:17-18, 15:13).

The Spirit is also our Comforter, our Guide, and our ever-present Helper in time of need. No matter what circumstance we face, the Holy Spirit within us has the power to meet it victoriously. The problems come when we do not consult or listen to Him with our spiritual ears each moment of our day (Proverbs 3:5-6).

Father God, remind us that You give us physical ears and spiritual ears. We can train our physical ears to hear much more than the surface sounds in the immediate area around us. We can learn to hear the ticking of the clock in a crowded room, the chirping of a bird amidst the roar of a waterfall, the buzzing of a bee over the chug of a motorboat engine. Help us to train our physical ears to hear and to enjoy every sound around us in Your glorious world.

Remind us that the most important ears we must train, however, are our inner ears.  The Gospels and Revelation are full of verses that speak mysteries from You, and many are accompanied by a verse like the one in Matthew 11:15….”He who has ears to hear, let him hear!" Help us to take the time to listen to Your Holy Spirit within us with our spiritual ears. 

Thought for the Day:
Jesus did not leave us alone on this earth to accomplish His work; when he was ascending into heaven to take back His rightful place at the Father’s right hand, He told His own disciples to go and wait in the upper room for the Holy Spirit to come to them, in order to fill them with the entire Godhead; we can do this too.
- John 14:15-21