Sunday, December 5, 2021

A Good Marriage - Gods Concepts about Marriage

 Closeup Photography of Pink Rose Flower


The world’s concept of marriage vastly changed over the years. It looks nothing like God’s Biblical ideals for marriage. Some avowed Christians support or follow these unconventional practices, and they make excuses for their behavior. They even borrow phrases from Bible verses that are taken out of context of the rest of the verses surrounding the phrases, as well as apart from other scriptures that contradict their suppositions.


Some of the major blessings of conventional marriage are a healthy existence, the ability to procreate, spiritual maturity and consistency, etc. Other choices leave us conflicted in our soul, confused about our gender, and following advice from carnal psychology rather than Biblical theology and God’s plan for us.


Intimacy in marriage does not depend only on our physical vicinity for sleeping in the same house, television viewing, shared hobbies, eating meals together, entertainment opportunities, polite conversation, or amicable debates. The unity of our soul and spirit are also part of the dynamic of complete intimacy.


Searching God’s Word together for Godly wisdom in decisions, encouragement in times of confusion and discouragement, conviction of sinful practices that still etch away at our fulfillment as Believers, etc. will support our relationship like no other endeavor. 


Praying together for one another, family, friends, our community, the persecuted church worldwide, requests made by members of our church family, etc. bring a unity to our spirit and soul as well. It also gives us time to seek God for our inconsistencies and irritations that may undermined our relationship over time.



Father God, thank You for taking on the form of a man and living as an example to us, as well as redeeming us from hell. We are so blessed to have a brother in Your only begotten Son, Jesus, and to be privileged to live now and eternally as co-heirs with Him of Your entire Kingdom. Teach us to emulate His example individually and as a couple, to adhere to Your Biblical principles and mandates, and to follow the guidance of Your Holy Spirit each moment of our day.


Remind us that fellowshipping and worshipping with a Body of Believers who adhere to Your Word will give us accountability opportunities to keep our feet from sliding into the immoral worldview all around us. This also encourages our walk in Your plans for our life together. We want to glorify You with all our thoughts, emotions, and activities. Help us to love Your Word and to adhere to Your plans for our life and to submit to Your wisdom and not to deviate from Your intentions.


Thoughts for the Day:

God disciplines authentic, Born Again Believers to keep us safe on His narrow road to eternal life and to keep us from veering off onto the wide road that leads to eternal destruction. Those who are born of God do not live in habitual transgressions against His principle and plans for our life.

- Hebrews 12:6; Proverbs 3:12; 1 John 3:9; Ephesians 2:10