Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Freedom in Christ – What I Have Learned

 Milky Way Galaxy Above a Rock Formation 

The human mind is so complex. Over my years of life, I discovered how much ancestral issues can affect us. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Reactive Attachment Disorder, Perfectionism, Codependency, and Introversion are just a few of the issues that I inherited from my predecessors. 


My dad, bipolar before it was recognized as an illness, was in the Korean war and had a great deal of anger stored up in his soul due to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder; and my mommy’s mom died when Mommy was about three years old, so my Mommy developed Reactive Attachment Disorder. I learned from their behavior and these issues affected me too.


As an adult, I could not understand why I had trouble with trusting people and God, feeling abandoned and lonely, embracing guilt that had no roots in my own behavior, feeling unlovable and that I did not matter, striving as a perfectionist, neglecting myself, and living as a codependent to name a few of the issues, which crippled my soul.


As I aged into adulthood, I learned coping skills that helped me to function in society, but many of these issues still plagued me. However, in the last couple of decades, I experienced so much freedom from these debilitating character traits through a loving, caring husband as well as a ministry called, “Transformation Prayer.”


Satanic destruction no longer eats away at my innermost being, because God taught me that the devil’s lies were the root of these debilitating beliefs which kept me in bondage all of my life so far. Instead, God’s Spirit first revealed these lies to me, and then He taught me His truths that freed me from these beliefs one at a time.


God’s revelation of the lies that Satan used to convince me of these former negative feelings, attitudes, and habits, as well as the Holy Spirit healing me with His truth, set me free (John 8:36). I learned to live in harmony with God’s truth and to reject satanic lies that formerly echoed in my heart and soul.



Father God, thank You for teaching me that I can: 

·      put all my trust in You (Psalm 13:5), 

·      enter into Your rest each moment of the day (Hebrews 4:10), 

·      and wait on Your timing and way (Psalm 27:14) as patience does her perfecting work in my soul (James 1:4-8). 


I know now, without a doubt that You plant a seed for a miracle in every time of trouble and trial that affects our life (Proverbs 3:5-6). My love for You grows exponentially with each passing day, and my soul has learned to trust in You with my whole heart – without allowing my mind to walk the fence between faith and fear.


You also taught me that:

·      I am free in Christ from the desire to sin (Romans 6-8), 

·      My citizenship is in heaven and not on this earth (Philippians 3:20-21), 

·      I can trust You because You continually prove to me that You are absolutely trustworthy (Psalm 56:3-4), 

·      You will never neglect or abandon me (Hebrews 13:5). 


I look forward to continuing to yoke up with You through all my days on this earth (Matthew 11:29-30), as well as serving You throughout eternity (Revelation 22:3-6). Your intimate union with me means more to me than anything this world has to offer. I am a foreigner here in this world because I am a citizen of Heaven (1 Peter 2:11).


Thoughts for the Day:

Those who do not put their trust in God for their salvation, do so because they do not have spiritual ears to hear, or spiritual eyes to see, or a spiritual mind to understand God’s truths. God teaches us to enter His rest, because Jesus came to earth once for all: for every different people group, and for each individual person throughout every single generation from the beginning to the end of time. He did away with our bondage to sin and fear of death. He gave us a hopeful future by sacrificing Himself in our place, and He daily leads us in His ways and His perfect will for our life.

- Hebrews 4:2-4, 9:26; Ezekiel 20:38