Sunday, December 19, 2021

A Good Marriage - Strengthening our Marital Unity

 City Skyline during Orange Sunset


Reading God’s Word as a couple can strengthen our marriage deeper than any other habit we can cultivate. It unfathomably fortifies our soul – our thoughts, emotions, and choices - within each of us and helps to merge our bond with our mate. Erecting our union on the Rock of Christ gives us a firm foundation that lasts a lifetime.


Respecting one another’s insights on what we read builds our respect for each other and makes us feel more secure in our marriage. This also helps to broaden our perspective of the verses that we read. During these shared moments we chat about our love for God and the tidbits of blessings that He provides for each of us throughout the day.


One of us can begin by praying for our concerns, praises and hopes; then the other can end each session by praying. Praying together strengthens our confidence in one another’s commitment to the Lord, and also enlightens us about our mate’s concerns so we can continue to pray for each other throughout our day concerning these issues.


Applying what we read to our life together also unifies our bond and gives us a different and positive focus about our issues. We go away from these times together worshipping God in our heart, feeling free from the bondages of sin that God’s Spirit revealed to us during these sessions, and loving each other with a deeper commitment.


These shared moments inspire us to live a holier life, we bask in the steadfast love that God pours out on us, and our faith in His faithfulness increases. As we recognize God as our Savior, Friend, true Spouse (Isaiah 54:5-6), and coming King we have fewer expectations of one another, and we live in victory each moment of our day.



Father God, thank You for helping Believers to learn to serve one another physically, emotionally, spiritually, and mentally. We want to be more than housemates, but to have an ever-deepening love and interest in each other. Teach us not to take one another for granted, but to cherish each other, have fun together, share spiritual insight with one another, and to prefer one another above our self.


Remind us not to abandon our individuality in preferring one another, but not to demand our own way all the time either. Help us to develop the habit of spending significant time with each other every day. Time to “have and to hold” each other in a meaningful embrace that assures us of our love for one another. If misunderstandings or slights occur in our relationship help us to forgive each other right away so bitterness does not corrode our love. Seeking You as a couple will strengthen our bond with each other and with You.


Thoughts for our Day:

The determination to resolve together all conflicts that arise in our marriage increases our commitment to each other, keeps lines of communication open, and insures the longevity of our relationship. By increasing our bond with the Lord, both individually and as a couple, teaches us that He not only exists, but that He bountifully rewards us all the days of our life, as well as into eternity.

- Hebrews 11:6