Friday, December 3, 2021

Growing in Grace

Photo of Trees Across Mountains 


There are elementary disciplines of Christianity that grow our spirit and shrink our carnal desires. They are as important to us as our physical guidelines that we use to keep healthy and fit, and the emotional regulations we use to keep our feelings on an even keel.


We develop these disciplines in order to allow patience to have her perfect work in us (James 1:4-8), to learn to follow God’s peace in our spirit regardless of if His guidance makes sense to our human understanding (Philippians 4:7-9), and to grow to spiritual maturity and a place where God can use us to further His Kingdom.


We meditate on God’s Word, commune with Him through prayer and fellowship, worship corporately with other Believers in Jesus, fast intermittently to deny our flesh and heighten the connection between us and God’s Spirit, to give at least a tenth of our income for ministries in our local church, sharing the reason for our faith with anyone who is humble enough to listen to us, etc.


We utilize mental and emotional principles - such as journaling our prayers, thoughts, and emotions so we can pray about what we are thinking and feeling; confessing our sins to the Lord that prevent us from walking in His Spirit; showing gratitude to God for His provision and protection; dying daily to sins that threaten to ensnare us back onto the wide road leading to destruction; sitting quietly and resting in the Lord as He sanctifies our soul, etc.


These disciplines develop character in us as well as open us up to be more like Jesus. They also provide us with a deeper intimacy with God and help us to experience true fulfillment and contentment during our lifetime. We bask in the peace and joy of the Lord and view trials as growing experiences rather than as hardships.



Father God, help us to develop spiritual habits as we grow in Your knowledge and grace. We want to walk more each day on Your straight and narrow road to life and fulfillment. As we feel Your hands on our soul – our thoughts, emotions, and choices – we know that You are our Potter who is perfecting us in holiness.


Thank You for teaching us that we are only sojourners on this earth, and that Christ is our whole life (Colossians 3:3-4). Deepen our unity with Your Trinity within us each moment of the day. Help us to walk in Your Spirit and to follow Your peace in every area and decision of our life – from the most mundane to the most critical and important.


Thoughts for the Day:

As authentic, Born Again Believers in Jesus’ Christ, we develop a higher purpose in life that leads to more contentment and fulfillment than we ever experienced while living for the cravings of our flesh, the advice of the world, or the temptations of satanic forces at work all around us. We thank God for giving us the desire and the willingness to develop these spiritual, mental, and emotional disciplines in our life.