Monday, December 13, 2021

Spending Time with God

 Pink Tulips in Bloom Close Up Photo


God is the first person of the Trinity of God, or personality you may call it. Jesus is the second personality, as our Savior and Lord and King. The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity, and our Comforter and Guide. 


God changed the lives of the disciples in the upper room, (Acts 2:4), and He has been changing lives ever since. If we love Him, we will obey His commands, and He will give us His Spirit of truth, to remain within us forever (John 14:15).  


Jesus spent time alone with our Father God. He went to a quiet place to refocus and to connect with His only Source of spiritual power. While others slept, Jesus went to the Mount of Olives and spent time alone with God (John 7:53-8:2)We too need time alone with God to renew our peace and to get His wisdom and direction for our lives.


In the morning, after His time of fellowship with our Father, Jesus went to the temple and sat down and taught the people. He started in His quiet place, and then came away ready to minister to people. He received His power from God; then He was ready to teach. He is our example. 


We too need a physically quiet place that will minister to our soul, in which we can connect our spirit with the Spirit of God. Then, we stay in that inner place of connection all day long as we go about His will for our life. 


Jesus did not leave us alone on this earth to accomplish our Father’s will. As He ascended into Heaven to take back His rightful place at the Father’s right hand, He told His disciples to go and wait in the upper room for the Holy Spirit to come to them. 


We receive God’s Spirit at the moment of our salvation through Christ (Romans 8:9). We connect with God’s Spirit and dwell there continually, as we leave our prayer closet and go out into the world. His joy and peace rule in our hearts regardless of the circumstances. 



Father God, remind us that we abide in the Vine through the connection between our spirit and Yours. If our peace is disturbed, we can pop into our “phone booth,” like Superman (I usually use the bathroom), and step right back into Your Spirit. You make all things work together for our good, even if we experience something unpleasant (Romans 8:28). 


We can trust in Your promises in Your Word, and your Holy Spirit leads us moment-by-moment throughout the day. This is where we find true fulfillment. Teach us that we live by Your Spirit as we keep in step with Your Spirit. This allows us to resist temptation and not to gratify the desires of our old, sinful nature that are in conflict with Your desires for us (Galatians 5:16-18, 25).


Thought for the Day:

We can stay in His presence as we carpool the children, steam the vegetables, and fall asleep at night. Once we have our time of devotion each day, we do not have to withdraw physically in order to walk in the spirit. We enter God’s very presence boldly with thanksgiving and we enter His courts with praise each moment of our day.

-Psalm 100