Sunday, February 6, 2022

A Good Marriage – Healing Wounds

Brown Sand


You have heard that opposites attract. I used to feel like God played a trick on us when He allowed us to find someone to love who is so totally unlike us. Then, He showed me that He does that for many reasons.


We are attracted to people who have strengths where we have weaknesses, and who have weaknesses where we have strengths. God designed this enigma to enable us to be more successful in living in this world. Too often, however, our dissimilarities irritate us and cause a wedge to grow between us.


Shifting our focus about our differences really helps us to admire and appreciate each other, rather than to feel frustration, resentment, and anger toward each other. God is ready, willing, and able to help us to adjust our focus on these variances.


We often trigger in each other the unhealed wounds from our past. These unresolved issues are buried in our subconscious mind, but they often filter back into our conscious mind and affect our current thoughts, words, and actions. They fuel our behavior, and we often wonder why we said a particular phrase or did a particular action.


God is attempting to bring these unsettled issues to our consciousness, so He can heal them. However, we usually squelch them back into our subconscious mind and refuse to think about them. We repress memories because to facel the grief caused by these incidences force us to feel the pain all over again.


When we find the courage through Christ to examine these issues through times of persistent prayer, God speaks His truth to us about them, and heals them. We are no longer triggered in this area by another person’s words or behavior, and we wonder why this ever bothered us in the first place.



Father God, we are so blessed that You take such a personal interest in every area of our life. Your Word teaches us that You desire that we are healed in body, soul, and spirit; and You give us wisdom and strength to cooperate with You and make the adjustments in our life that will heal us. When healing occurs, it is easier to accept one another with all our human foibles and peculiarities and differences.


Teach us that healing in our own soul helps us to realize that You did not give us the job to “fix” our mate, but to love, support, and prefer one another as champions for each other. Help us to truly listen to our mate, to help them to feel important to us, and for them to live securely in our cherishing love for them. Help us not to feel critical of our spouse’s differences, but to draw our strength from them in our times of weakness. We are so thankful to You for bringing us healing in every area of our life.


Thoughts for the Day:

Making sure that our spouse feels unconditional love, admiration, gratitude, and acceptance from us will greatly enhance the chances that they will grow to feel the same way about us. Fully listening to each other helps us to discern our deepest needs, and God will readily teach us how to meet those needs in one another.