Sunday, February 13, 2022

A Good Marriage - Opposites Attract



God made men and women with differences. We complement each other's weaknesses with our individual strengths. We serve in different functions in our union, which enhances our productivity. Men and women actually have the same basic needs, but we want them provided for in different ways. Sadly, these differences often drive a wedge between two people. 


When a woman thinks of romance, she envisions sweet gestures, cherished looks, thoughtful gifts, and romantic words. We want focused attention and help around the house. When a man thinks of romance, he pictures a trip together to the sporting goods store, or the fishing hole, or a sporting event. Many men believe that "bringing home the bacon" is enough work for one person and they resent family expectations.


A wife wants their man to look nice; but whether he is in jeans or a fine suit, it does not really matter. Most men like their wife to look like a supermodel. They do not want their wife walking around with uncombed hair and no make-up, or in a tattered t-shirt and jeans. Men appreciate it when women make an effort to look and smell their best. 


There are exceptions, but women usually find it easier to express their feelings and to communicate what they need and want. Many men find it hard to communicate. It is easier for them to show their love than to say it. Some even bottle up their negative feelings until an avalanche of accumulated resentment finally buries their love. The couple ends up frustrated and growing apart.


As virtual strangers, the only hope we have is for both genders to honestly communicate with each other and to voluntarily share how we feel and what we need rather than to keep our partner guessing. We can ask our mate to stop doing something that offends us, to start doing something we are failing to receive, or to change the way we both do things and to serve one another as Christ serves the church (Galatians 5:13).



Father God, You are preparing us as the Bride of Christ. We are learning Jesus' character and how to communicate with Him on an intimate basis. Our love for Him grows with each passing day, and we honestly share with Him what we think and how we feel. Help us to do this same thing with one another. This open communication will improve our relationship and prevent many divorces. Remind us to pray, praise, minister, and worship together, and to put Your will as our paramount focus in our relationship.


Your Word teaches us that two people who serve one another, even if their viewpoint is different, will have a lasting relationship and live as an example of Jesus and His Bride. It is when we get intolerant in our focus and only consider our own needs, resenting what we deem as expectations and demands from our mate, that the thought of divorce enters the picture. Help us to listen to Your Holy Spirit and to prefer each other above our self. We give You all the praise and glory for our successful marriage.


Thoughts for the Day:

One way to create a mutually edifying relationship is to learn how to communicate our feelings and needs effectively. Yelling, belittling, complaining, withdrawing within, and blaming our issues on one another will not help us to resolve our problems. Only when we both lay down our life for one another and love each other in their “love language” can we truly have a successful marriage.