Friday, February 18, 2022

Times of Silence

 Aerial Photo of Vehicle Near Rock Formations

The Bible is full of testimonies from Biblical Saints of how they waited for the fulfillment of God’s promises – sometimes for decades of time. God is never in a hurry because He dwells outside of time. He already knows the end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:10).


The trees which are frosted with snow during winter months remind me of our spiritual walk with Jesus. We are dormant branches, hanging out with the trunk of the tree without leaves and bare for all the world to see (John 15:5). When God has no marching orders, exhortation, instruction, or sanctifying work to do in our life, He often remains silent.


These times of silence are not caused by Him turning His back on us, or that He is too busy with someone else’s problems, or that He is ignoring us. He will never, ever leave or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5). He is simply enjoying our companionable silence and our continued praises in good times and in bad (Psalm 117:1, 150:6; 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).

During periods of waiting on God, we can make sure there is no problematic sin in us (Psalm 139:23-24) and that we are doing what God already gave us to accomplish for His will. If we are confessed up and caught up, then we can enter His rest and wait joyfully in His presence as He abides within us.


In these quiet times, satanic forces will often attempt to interject thoughts into our mind to discourage us, mislead us, or cause us to believe their lies rather than God’s Word to us. We recognize Satan’s voice when he attempts to distract us from doing God’s will, minimizes us with his shaming thoughts about us, or urges us to heed his discouragement or temptation.


Negative emotions are given to us by God as red flags to signal us when we have an unmet need due to our neglect of our self, or our focus on carnal aspects of life, or well-planned satanic attacks. If we take a frequent searching inventory of our soul, God will reveal to us the cause of these feelings and heal us.



Father God, You are always faithful to do all things to fulfill Your perfect plans in our life. You dwell outside of our clock and calendar. To You, a thousand of our years is only one day (2 Peter 3:8). As we live in each moment of all our days centered in Your will, we will see the fulfillment of Your desires for us in Your timing and way.


We live to praise You in each moment, give homage to Your name, and trust and love You with our whole heart (Matthew 22:37-40; Matthew 6:33). Your presence in us is so much more precious than Your presents to us. You never lose sight of us. We matter to You, and You rejoice over us with singing (Zephaniah 3:17). Thank You for considering us as the apple of Your eye (Psalm 17:8).


Thoughts for the Day:

God may tell us what He will do in our life ahead of time, and we think the years of waiting for that fulfillment means that we either misheard from the Lord, are supposed to force the fulfillment of His promises using our human resources, or that He forgot all about us. Think of Biblical Saints who waited for years for God’s fulfillment of His promises to them. Just wait on the Lord for His perfect timing and way.