Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Loving God Alone

Water Falling From Glass Ceiling  


We love God, not only for what He does for us, but because He first loved us (1 John 4:19). During a time of transition in my life, God wrote a new chapter for me in His way and in His timing; and He will do the same for you. I had to change my home and my location, abandon many of my earthly treasures, lose my close connection to my friends and family, and eventually learn to adjust to a new husband.


However, the Trinity of God dwelled within me through all these changes. I developed a deeper relationship with Christ in me. I learned that there is a deep intimacy with Him that is only possible when we trust in Him with our whole heart, and we do not put our faith in the things we can view with our human resources, but only those events we see through God’s wisdom, love, peace, and joy.


When we sit alone, we are never lonely, as long as the Spirit of God resides within our spirit (Psalm 46:10). Instead, we have alone (all-one) times with Christ in us, as He fills us with all His fullness throughout our entire body, soul, and spirit (Ephesians 3:16-19). 


This does not mean that we quote scriptures at Him to claim His promises, so that, somehow, He will feel obligated to give us what we want. That is a carnal attempt to twist God's arm to work in our behalf. God does not respond to manipulation. In fact, He is already working on our behalf, we just do not appreciate what He has already done and is doing in us and for us. 


Our finite view of life is limiting at best and enslaving at its worst. God’s will for us is freeing, energizing, sometimes surprising, but always fulfilling. When we abide in His presence each moment of our day, we grow in His eternal and infinite wisdom and grace.



Father God, praising You for who You are, and not only for what You do for us, is a secret to experiencing deeper fulfillment in life than we ever thought possible. As we take time to count our blessings, and to enter into Your joy in every circumstance, our life changes dramatically (Matthew 25:23). You are our good, good Father, and You have only our best interest in mind when You made Your plans for our life (Ephesians 2:10; Jeremiah 29:11). Help us to love You with our whole heart rather than to give you a small portion of our attention and affection.


Teach us also to trust in You with our whole heart. We believe, but at times, our soul will need Your help with concerns and eventual roadblocks (Mark 9:23-25). Satanic forces lie to us and attempt to entrench these lies in our heart as truth. However, Your truth dispels these lies and helps us to walk in freedom from the devil’s bondage. His intent is to steal from us, and to kill and destroy us by causing us to grow weary, or resentful, and to walk away from You. Remind us that our true peace, joy, and fulfillment come only from our intimate union with You. 


Thoughts for the Day:

When we let go of our desires, and we focus instead on Christ in us and His will for our life, our soul floods with His divine nature and blessings. We learn that if we need something, God will provide it for us in His timing and way, even if it is at the last minute. Thankfully, He rarely provides our carnal desires; but instead, He places His desires for us in our heart. We find fulfillment by pursuing His will rather than our own goals and plans.