Saturday, February 5, 2022

God’s Generous Supply

 Scenic Photo of Forest With Sunlight


God generously supplies us with interest on our contribution to His Kingdom. His refund is not only pressed down and shaken together like a bag of fall leaves, but it is running over (Luke 6:38). Our cup continually spills over with His abundant provision for us every day of our life – enough to use and to share (Psalm 23:5). 


When we personally experience God’s presence and provision, there is little room left for doubt (Colossians 1:21-23). Having faith in anything or anyone other than our God of the whole universe will do little to help us to receive answers to our prayers, to heal our brokenness, to deliver us from negative issues in our life, and to comfort us in our afflictions.


God calls us to draw near to Him with a faithful heart, full of assurance of His intentions towards us. This guarantees us the privilege of having our heart saved by the blood of the Lamb and our conscience freed from all evil intentions (Hebrews 10:22, 39; Acts 20:21). When we give up in weariness, and forget the goodness of the Lord to us, we are of all people miserable and feeling forsaken (Psalm 27:13).


We encourage our soul in times of discouragement, and we hope only in God, praising Him when He sustains us. He puts His joy in our soul, and He helps us to escape eternal damnation (Psalm 42:11; Hebrews 2:3). This allows us to be partakers of Christ because we hold firm to the steadfast confidence we enjoyed in our early years of salvation (Hebrews 3:14).


Our faith is the substance of what we hope for and is the evidence of what cannot be seen or proven by the human mind (Hebrew 11:1; Hebrews 11:7). Many Biblical accounts tell us about faithful Saints of God who did not receive the promise in their lifetime, but they had visions of them in the future and trusted in God’s promises (Hebrews 11:13).



Father God, You help us to develop our faith by leading us into a deeper belief in You, Your goodness, compassion, provision, and presence within us. Help us to keep our focus on what is unseen and what comes from You, rather than on what is seen and that comes from a worldly supply. The world’s supply will not last and will soon dissipate into thin air, but Your provision lasts for an eternity (2 Corinthians 4:18, 5:7).


Help us not to throw away our confidence in You because You have an eternal reward in store for us. We need patience so that after we do Your will during our lifetime, we can receive the fulfillment of Your promises. We maintain our confidence by looking to the blood of Jesus (Hebrews 3:6, 14, 10:19, 34-36). Otherwise, we lose what we already worked for and stored up by faith (2 John 1:8). We trust only in You with our whole heart and soul (Proverbs 3:5-6).


Thoughts for the Day:

God did not save us to be like those who fall back into following worldly wisdom and morals and aspirations, because these people are destroyed by their unbelief. Our faithful trust in God preserves our spirit and soul through our faith in His faithfulness to us. All people everywhere from every tribe and nation have this opportunity; but sadly, only a few will believe in Jesus as their Savior.

 - John 3:18; Hebrews 6:6, 10:39; Matthew 7:14