Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Faith is Our Assurance

 Rock in Between Grass and Flower


Faith is the assurance for us of things we only hope for now. It is the proof of the reality which we cannot see with our human eyes (Hebrews 11:1). In our initial years of walking with the Lord, we may grow weary of waiting on Him, or we lose hope in what His Word promises to us (Psalm 42:11).


If we could tangibly see or prove what we hope for, it would not be hope at all (Romans 8:24-25). We believe in the Gospel of Christ by grace from God through faith in Him, and we hope in His promises. This allows us to walk away from a sinful lifestyle and to adopt a righteous life instead. What we can see with our human resources is not hope, but sight (Romans 8:24).


God’s Spirit leads us through His everlasting way. As we mature spiritually, we experience the goodness of God for us on this earth, and we stop fainting in exhaustion, but rather stand firm in our faith like those who died in faith, not having seen the promises of God during their lifetime (Hebrews 11:13; Psalm 27:13). 


So, we focus not on what we can see, which is fleeting and temporary, but on those unseen, eternal promises of God (2 Corinthians 4:18). We walk in this dependent faith in Him and not by human sight, because Christ is faithful over eternity and God’s Kingdom. He inspires us to hold firmly to our confidence and faith in God’s faithfulness (2 Corinthians 5:7; Hebrews 3:6, 14).


God’s Word reminds us not to neglect or compromise or abandon our salvation which we receive by faith in His grace (Hebrews 2:3). Instead, we stand firm from the beginning with our confidence in Him to the end of our days (Hebrews 3:14). This keeps us from shrinking back from the realm of faith to experience eternal destruction instead. Our faith preserves our spirit and soul through Jesus who abides within us (Hebrews 10:39).



Father God, thank You for helping us to draw near to You with a faithful heart that is full of assurance and hope in Your faithfulness. You sprinkled our heart from an evil conscience and washed our body and soul with the pure water of Your Word (Hebrews 20:22,39; Acts 20:21). Help us not to act like slothful slackers, but as true followers of those who through faith and patience inherited all You gave to Jesus (Hebrews 6:12,18-19).


Daily, we want to be full to the brim with awe of You (Mark 2:12; Luke 5:26), because no gods or sages compare to You. We want to glorify You, and not depend on our self or anyone else for our salvation. We want to rest on Your wisdom and strength and reap Your peace and joy (2 Corinthians 4:18; Psalm 111:10; Proverbs 9:10). We readily give You all our praise and the glory for the great things You have done and continue to do in our life.


Thoughts for the Day:

Saints like Noah warned his neighbors about rain coming, which no one had ever seen before, and he constructed the Ark that God inspired him to build to save from destruction His family and everyone willing to get aboard the Ark. Once they were inside, God closed the door Himself, and He waited seven more days for anyone else who would be willing to repent and trust in Him with their whole heart; however, no one else ever did. Noah became an heir of righteousness that comes by faith in God’s saving work in our life, and we can too by following His example of faithfulness to God alone.

- Hebrews 11:7