Sunday, August 21, 2022

A Good Marriage - Growing and Flowing


There may come a time in marriage where room temperature or snoring or constant movement during sleep keep one spouse awake most of the night. If there are two rooms, each one taking one will increase hours of sleep, stop some irritation or complaining, and bring more harmony to a marriage. 


Using separate bathrooms may also help limit some of the irritations experienced by one or both partners. For some people, sleeping in the same bed is of paramount importance to feeling married rather than sensing that we are only housemates. Therefore, having separate bathrooms and/bedrooms may take some getting used to.


More importantly, having similar interests, goals, financial plans, fidelity, loyalty, support, and fun together help to displace any signs of disparity, animosity, disagreements, and bitterness. Praying together for solutions in differences will usually aid us in finding a third alternative to most deadlocks. 


However, if necessary, a marriage counselor can help find equitable solutions. Especially concerning highly charged issues for which the couple cannot find their own solutions. 


Gratitude is a very helpful attitude in a marriage. Showing appreciation for even the most insignificant gesture of cooperation, support, and help will encourage each spouse to continue in this vein of behavior. 


Communicating gratitude, even for regular chores like taking out the trash, doing laundry, washing dishes, holding the door open, carrying in the groceries, etc. can be mentioned verbally, in a note, or in an occasional card or love letter.


The important things are to communicate kindly and share experiences – even if it is a simple as going to the grocery store, a sporting event, or swinging on the porch swing together. The consideration and chance to chat about a whole host of topics will allow love to grow and flow in a marriage.



Father God, thank You for our spouse. Help us to make them feel important and cherished. Teach us to give each other our undivided attention by looking into each other’s eyes when we get a chance to chat, snuggling on the couch, sharing our intimate thoughts with one another, hugging each other before leaving home or going to bed, and repeating the focused attention when coming back home or waking up in the morning.


Help us to value our mate’s strengths and to appreciate the acts of kindness we do for each other every day. Teach us to value and support one another’s desires, hobbies, interests, worldview, concerns, differences, etc. – even if we see no importance in them our self. We want to pay attention and follow through with promises, rather than to forget their requests, make fun of their needs, or belittle their perspective. We are so grateful to have You in our individual life and in our marriage.


Thoughts for the Day:

If we are afraid of asking our mate for support or help, then counseling is imperative. We cannot assume that our mate agrees with us on every detail of our life together or knows exactly what we need to feel loved and appreciated. Communication is a vital part of sharing in a happy and fulfilling marriage that flows and grows closer each moment of the day.