Friday, August 12, 2022

My Life of Crime


In my early pre-teen years, I accompanied my mommy to the grocery store. She sent me to the fruit section to pick up a bag of oranges, but on my way to the orange stand, I saw some grapes. I could not resist, so I reached in and plucked off a single grape and plopped it in my mouth. I savored that taste all the way home.


After helping her to put away groceries, I went to my room to read the latest book I checked out from the library. There was not a more avid reader than me in my circle of friends. I lived and loved to read. Getting lost in the pages of my tome, I suddenly read a paragraph that talked about God’s grief when we transgressed His laws.


I immediately thought about that grape, and I realized that since I did not pay for it, I actually stole that juicy orb from the owner and hard-working employees at the grocery store. I crumbled to the floor and cried over what I did, persistently trying to think of a way to make amends for my crime.


Of course, how does one repay for stealing one grape? Immediately, I knew the answer in my heart: to never transgress the laws of God again - none of them. With very little thought I instinctively knew this was an impossible task for a human being, but that did not stop me from trying.


As I grew up, I valiantly attempted to fulfill that commitment to the Lord. However, at age 18, while reading the book “The Cross and the Switchblade,” I learned that the only true way to salvation from my humanity is to run to the cross of Christ, to repent of my carnal inclinations, and to trust in Jesus, which is God’s way for us to enjoy the benefits of His redemption (John 3:16-18).



Father God, thank You for providing Jesus to pay the penalty for our transgressions of Your laws. Not one human being who ever lived was/is good enough to perfect our self or to make amends for our iniquity (Ephesians 2:8-10). You knew this and that is why you planned for Jesus and His miraculous sacrifice before You even created the universe (Revelation 13:8).


We give You all the glory, honor, and praise for loving us so much that you humbled Yourself to come to earth through the man Christ Jesus (John 1:14), and that You birthed Your Spirit in Him and everyone who is converted to Your plan of salvation. Your Spirit is our down payment for trusting in You, and a glimpse of what You have in store for Your entire adopted family throughout eternity (Ephesians 1:14). Thank You for Your atoning dedication to each one of us.


Thoughts for ethe Day:

We are not ignorant of the schemes of satanic forces that war against God’s remnant of converted Believers in their attempt to steal, kill, and destroy our faith in God. As the redeemed of the Lord proclaim His Lordship and deliverance, we are reminded that Jesus shared our human state and lived a victorious life. He passed this life of salvation on to His Saints of all generations by His sacrifice on Calvary’s cross, which put an end to Satan’s dominion over the life of those transformed into a life in Jesus Christ.

- John 10:10; Psalm 107:2-3; Hebrews 2:14-15; 1 John 4:4