Thursday, August 18, 2022

Integrating Childhood Innocence and Adult Maturity


When you think about your childhood, do you have nightmares or fond memories? Did you have favorite toys along the way? Did you spend much time playing outside, and with toys and siblings, neighbors, extended family, etc.? As you grew older, did you abandon your inner child, or did you continue to incorporate that playful, spontaneous, creative side of yourself into your budding adulthood?


Do we tuck our “child” away in some dark corner of our soul or put him/her on a top shelf of our subconscious mind? We little realize that this immature, but lovable side of our self needs incorporation into our adult life. Otherwise, this playful, irresponsible part of us may sabotage our adult choices and relationships.


If we allow the “child” to remain in control of our life, this controlling part of our self affects our decisions and neglects our adult responsibilities, which causes us to let people down because we did not develop the common sense and respect that comes with age and maturity.


Have you ever noticed that people get more childish and dependent as we grow older? That is our Inner Child emerging from the prison we imposed on them as we grew up. Do we take time for spontaneity, play, creativity, and flexibility now, or are we strict, serious, overly scheduled, and rigidly organized?


Do we have a balanced work/play relationship with life or are we too structured all the time? Do we trust in the Lord, and nurture a relationship with Him that is like a little child, or are we all somber, businesslike, and sensible (Matthew 18:3)? Do we walk in the Spirit, or in our own goals and plans?


Do we think as King David did, whose soul was like a little child within him (Psalm 131:2), or are we like King Saul who led his soldiers in battle and jealously stormed around trying to assassinate David so he would not take his popularity; or worse, assume the reins of the throne in his stead? Do we trust in the Lord with our whole heart, and enter into His atmosphere of trust and rest (Proverbs 3:5-6)? 



Father God, we have many inquiries to answer today. It is good for us to consider these questions and to honestly answer them from the depth of our soul. You created us in Your likeness, and we want to utilize every part of who You made us to be as a light to the dying world around us. We want to live in the center of Your will for us, because that is where we find true fulfillment.


You made us like a city set on hill, whose light cannot be hidden (Matthew 5:14). We are a beacon that can draw those in our sphere of influence to a saving knowledge of Your grace and mercy, of Your peace and joy, and of the depths of Your love for us. Give us Your compassion for others, and, also, help us not to criticize or gossip about other people, or to have high expectations on our self and others which are impossible to attain.


Thoughts for the Day:

These are fair questions to ask and answer, because if we abandoned this part of our self, as we drew closer to adulthood and took on more grownup responsibilities, we short-changed our self and lost a huge block of our true identity – of who we were and still are and always will be deep within our soul – our thoughts, emotions, and choices.