Monday, May 28, 2012

The Balancing Act

Read: Matthew 6:25-34

"Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done."  - Luke 22:42-43

A child’s spinning top and a seal spinning a ball on its nose have little in common except that both of their performances require balance. This caused me to think about the balance in our lives. Often we find ourselves thrown off center by spinning confusion and instability. Each compartment we meticulously created now slants like the Tower of Pisa and everything falls to one side.

Conditions appear out of control. We get disoriented and feel insecure and fearful. We panic and make poor decisions. We try unsuccessfully to manage the people and events in our life in an attempt to make us feel safe again. But this never helps and usually increases our anxiety by creating frustration in others.

As we keep our eyes on Jesus ~ the author and finisher of our faith ~ feelings of peace replace disheartening panic and uncertainty. We live our lives according to His example. He prayed before beginning each day. He lived in the moment and did not worry about tomorrow. Jesus listened to His Father and followed His will in every word and deed. His focus stayed on God’s kingdom rather than on amassing worldly goods and fame. 

As we walk the tightrope of life, rather than focusing on the details of our circumstances that often spin out of control, we can focus inwardly on the peace that He gives us. Then we focus on the balance God affects in our life as He uses our Spirit-led responses to these circumstances. Life varies like the ocean with a continuous ebb and flow. Trusting God more and striving less gives us a life raft to ride out these storms of life. Faith in God’s faithfulness imparts serenity to our inner core that is consistent regardless of the circumstances (James 1:2-4).

Lord Jesus, teach us to keep our eyes focused on You, so that the Murphy’s Law that controls life on this earth does not cause us to get too discouraged or to lose hope all together. Help us to discern Your will in our circumstances, which You use to bring forth Your fruit in our life. Show us clearly how You are working all things out for our good.  

Thought for the Day:
God’s peace within us displaces fear and uncertainty regardless of our circumstances.