Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Joy Set Before Him

Read: Genesis 29:15-29

“So Jacob served seven years for Rachel, and they seemed only a few days to him because of the love he had for her.” Gen 29:20 NKJV

In a world of uncertainty and peril, courage and comfort often elude me. Although Paul promises they are simply "light and momentary afflictions" (2 Corinthians 4:17), my trials often feel heavy and insurmountable. I try focusing on eternal promises rather than my current issues, but sometimes hope fades away.

Jacob worked seven years to earn Rachel for his wife. Instead of focusing on the time and labor ahead of him, he allowed their love to comfort him. His bliss made the time pass like days. The promise of Rachel gave Jacob the courage and comfort he needed to persist through the pain and burden of the years of toil.

Even though Jacob ended up working fourteen years for Rachel, he endured the time with joy in his heart and he trusted God to bless him financially as well. When Jacob felt God’s call to return to the Promised Land, he took with him more wealth than he left behind. God always gives to us abundantly, if we trust in Him.

Jesus also changed His focus in order to endure the suffering of the cross. He put his mind on the joy set before Him (Hebrews 12:2) instead of the pain. Jacob and Jesus and even Paul, who changed his focus from the earthly realm to the eternal, give us examples of how to change our focus and live in joy.

Jesus promises us a personal, eternal relationship with Him, which starts the moment we confess our sins and ask Him to save us. He moves in by His Spirit and resides in us, giving us heaven on earth. The Spirit starts working in our lives – manifesting His fruit in our thoughts, words and deeds. (Gal 5:22). His love makes it easier for us to lay aside temptations, to have hope in our trials and to look forward to His great and true promises. 

Lord, thank you for loving us, even when our faith fails us. Help us to focus on the joy that You set before us. Help us to be faithful with a little so that You can bless us with much (Matthew 25:23).

Thought for The Day:
God wants you all for Himself.