Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Trusting In God

Read: Job 5:8-26

“Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.” - Peter 5:7

My church counselor told me that I am experiencing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, even though I never set foot in a war zone. He equated my childhood with a war zone; and he said that what I considered normal as I was growing up was definitely abnormal for the normal person J He told me that since I never knew what would happen to me from day to day, I learned to face the fear by disassociating or by getting angry to protect myself.

In thinking about his diagnosis, I realized there just might be some truth in his conclusion. For so many years, the unknown entities of life caused me to wake up in constant fear that something bad might happen to me that day…yet, again. I viewed life as a potential catastrophe! I felt like I had to control the circumstances in my life so I would be safe. I did use disassociation or anger to protect myself whenever anyone hurt me or was trying to make a decision that affected me, without discussing it with me first.

Thankfully, God taught me a replacement exercise for living in fear. I picture a little child and an adult within my soul. We face each other and raise our hands heavenward, lifting to God every one of our cares and concerns, knowing that He cares for us and that He will make all things work together for our good (Romans 8:28).

At times, my soul does not want to relinquish every care to God. God made it very clear to me, however, that I needed to surrender all of me to His will; not just my rational mind, but my irrational fears as well. I have learned to stand there with my hands raised until I feel a release in my inner being, which means that my fear is now replaced by His faith. God also taught me that I do not have to trust people who continually let me down; but I can trust God, because He is always trustworthy.

I love Job’s advice (Job 5:8-26). He proclaimed that God controls the universe; therefore, our only hope to experience true joy in life is to connect with God and to walk in His Spirit moment by moment throughout the day. God changes our attitude, so that we can actually laugh at calamities instead of fearing them.

As we walk in the Spirit, we start to look for the silver lining in every black cloud. We look for the seed of the miracle in every negative experience. We end up living a long, fulfilled life in service to God, until the day He chooses to call us home.

Lord, help me to remember that You have a plan for everything that happens to me. Keep me focused on Your provision and care rather than on the potential harm lurking just around the corner.

Thought for the Day:
God’s love takes the teeth out of the bite of adversity!