Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Earnestly Seeking God

Purple Petal Flower

God is a great God and King, the Creator of the Universe, the sustainer of life, and Emmanuel who dwells within us. As authentic Believers we actually faint from a hunger and thirst for more intimacy in our relationship with Him (Psalm 63:1).

We find Him in the sanctuary of our spirit where we experience His power and glory. His faithful love is better than anything, which this world has to offer. We turn our gratitude for His love, peace and joy into our worship of Him (Psalm 63:2-3).

We sing, dance, and lift up our hands in praise to Him, blessing His name every moment of every day until our dying breath (Psalm 63:4). God satisfies our body, soul and spirit by giving us our daily bread and filling our mouth with every good gift (Psalm 63:5).

We often wake up in the middle of the night with songs of praise running through our mind. We keep the night watches with Him and meditate on His Word and His goodness to us in so many ways (Psalm 63:6).

God is our constant help in our times of need, hiding us under the shadow of His wings, and keeping us safe from the adversity and trials of this world. When we think of His goodness to us, our soul bursts into joyful songs (Psalm 63:7).

We cannot survive in this sin-torn world without His presence and His Spirit filling us. Our soul clings to Him and He holds us in the palm of His right hand. No one and nothing can permanently harm us when we are in His safe keeping (Psalm 63:8). 

Father God, when Your Kingdom is revealed on the earth, Jesus will take up the throne of His father David and reign supreme over all the nations of the world (Luke 1:32). Thank You for choosing us to reign with Christ and to live as His ministers to those living on the earth (Revelation 20:4).

We thank You for Your generous love, care and provision for all those who love You both now and forevermore (1 Corinthians 8:3; 1 John 4:16). We earnestly seek You, running to hide under the shadow of Your wings. We rely on You both to protect us and to keep us for eternity (Psalm 63:8). We so enjoy our life in You and we want to use it for Your glory by sharing the Gospel of Christ with everyone that we meet.

Thought for the Day:
We can only develop true balance in our life when we obey the direction of the Spirit of God for each moment of our day - not a legalistic, petty structure of religious works, but a fluid stream of God’s gifts and character flowing through us into the world around us.