Friday, November 10, 2017

Our Eternal Hope

Trees Under Blue Sky during Daytime

As we rest in God's peace, even in this world full of turmoil and unrest, we cease from our constant striving to survive and learn to trust the Lord (Hebrews 4:3, 10-11).

We change our focus from our earthly circumstances to our spiritual ministry - according to the direction of God's Holy Spirit. This occurs when we completely surrendering to God's will for our life.

By giving us the mind of Christ, God transforms our negative thoughts and behavior to those that honor Him. He fills us with calm confidence in His love and shrouds us with His power.

Having the veil of sin removed from our eyes by faith in the Son of God, we know without a doubt that He loves us and gave Himself for us. As His Spirit changes us from one level of His glorious image to another (2 Corinthians 3:18), each day we are more and more like Jesus.

Our flesh decreases and our desire for His Kingdom increases. Surrendering to His will, drawing closer to His heart and obeying His call on our life enables us to abound in His peace and joy and to bear His fruit in our life (Galatians 5:22-23).

With Christ abiding within us, we enjoy the promise of our eternal hope of living in His glory for eternity (Colossians 1:27).  While we remain on this earth, we live for the praise of our Father; and everyone we meet recognizes His glory manifested within us (Philippians 1:11).

God is able to do more through us than we could ever accomplish on our own; and working through His Body all over the earth, constantly enables Him to perform His glorious works world-wide.

Father God, as Your Spirit sanctifies us, we see Your glory revealed in our life more each day. Help us to fulfill Your purpose for us during our lifetime. We look forward to spending eternity with You whenever You see fit to call us Home to Heaven.

Thank You for taking on the form of a human as Jesus and for dwelling among us. We can never thank You enough for laying down Your life to pay our debt of sin and for coming as Your Spirit to abide within us. Help us to always walk in Your Spirit and to fulfill Your will for each of us as Your Body.

Thought for the Day:

The law was a tutor to point us to Christ, but how much more glorious is the new life we have through God's Spirit, because He remains in us forever. 
- 2 Corinthians 3:8