Saturday, November 18, 2017

Finding Freedom in Surrender - Stages of Deliverance

Gazebo Against Trees

There is no way that our human psyche can surrender every area of our life to God in one fell swoop. It usually happens in stages, as God gives us faith to trust Him in each portion of our body, soul and spirit.

Surrender is often a struggle due to the fears, bonds, and connections we have with the various facets of the issues in our life. Desiring to keep our self safe, we attempt to solve our concerns in our own way.

We may get caught up with the advice and philosophy of the world, through articles that we read; but these often tend to sidetrack us from the real issues that we face. Only as we fully trust in God can we experience complete deliverance.

Fear of the unknown is a barrier to letting go and allowing God full reign in our life. At times we have to overcome Satan's lies or our insecurities first, in order to fully surrender to God's will and plan for our life.

I had to come to the place where I realized that I was simply surrendering to God's love, and nothing less. Surrender became easier as I realized that God would not bring anything into my life, or take anything away from my life that would hurt me eternally.

He has only our best interest at heart. He is not a cosmic ogre or a spoil sport or a vindictive and heartless being. Love is His sole motivation as He purges our life of detrimental and unhealthy aspects to which we cling.

When we experience firsthand the compensations that God showers on us during each stage of surrender, this encourages us to trust Him more and to yield more quickly and willingly to His will and provision.

We continually surrender until things of this world no longer matter to us, and we focus our thoughts and emotions on heavenly issues instead. We give up control of every facet of our life into God's safe keeping.

Father God, thank You for helping us to break down our resistance to Your loving direction and plans for our life one stage at a time. Some people are more willing and trusting and surrender earlier in life, but some of us cling to the allusion that we can protect our self and keep our self safe.

We are eternally grateful to You for proving Your love to us; not only by taking on human form and dying in our place, but also by coaxing us to surrender to Your wisdom one step at a time. We believe in You, but we depend on You to help our unbelief (Mark 9:23-25). We trust in You and we will not be afraid (Psalm 56:11).

Thought for the Day:
When we surrender to God, we give Him all of our fears and insecurities, and we gain His full provision and abundant love forevermore.