Monday, November 27, 2017

Learning to Trust

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As new Believers, we often doubt that God has our best interest at heart. We still carry doubts and fears in our heart due to negative experiences and the bad report many give to God, because they do not understand His ways.

During our walk with Him over the years of our life, we see His consistent love and awesome provision for every area of our life. We learn that He is worthy of our faith, because He is always faithful.

We realize the freedom we receive when we cast our anxiety on His strong shoulders, we yoke up with Him as He helps us to carry our load of cares, and we look for the seed for a miracle that He places in the midst of every circumstance in our life.

As we trust in His Spirit's direction through each moment of our day, we learn to affirmatively respond to His guidance and to expect to see the spiritual fruit of our labors.

We live a fulfilled life once we learn to obey the leading of God's still, small voice within our spirit. He keeps us safe when our carnality would put us into harm's way, and He provides for our needs when there is no human way that we could possibly attain them.

We end up rejoicing through each moment of our day, regardless of our circumstances. We pray and relinquish all anxiety to His care. Christ is our whole life and we live, move and enjoy our existence in Him (Acts 17:28; Colossians 3:3-4).

Father God, You are trustworthy and true and we honor You and give You all of the glory, which You deserve. Over the years of our walk with You our intimacy grows and we learn to fellowship with You in prayer and praise every moment of every day.

We want to walk in Your Spirit and stop fulfilling the desires of our flesh so that our walk with You on the straight and narrow road will be an example to others of the abundance of blessings You bestow on those who love and obey You. We love You with all of our heart and we rely on You to hide us under the feathers of Your wings.

Thought for the Day:
As we totally trust in Him and surrender to His love for us, God's peace floods our soul - our thoughts, emotions and choices - and He guards our heart and mind the Jesus Christ. - Philippians 4:4-7