Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Treading or Floating

clouds, conifer, daylight

Autoimmune issues have robbed me of so many physical functions over the last 40 years. I was not aware that I had this issue until after I turned sixty years old. At that time, I asked for prayer from our church pastors and deacons, and trusted God for the results.

Several months later, a man who also received prayer that same day, walked into my husband's office with a book for me. He used the advice in the book with soaring results and wanted to share the info with me.

I started the Autoimmune protocol from The Autoimmune Solution by Amy Myers, MD - through a detox diet and ridding my life of as many toxic chemicals as I can - some are in the air, and I have not yet figured out how to stop breathing outside air and still survive!

I am currently looking into getting rid of all metal fillings in my mouth, since they too are toxic. This is the only thing that I know about that still may be preventing my total remission, healing and recovery.

Recently, I lost my balance on the right side of my body. This issue has been increasing slowly over the last year, and finally I realized that I needed a cane to prevent any more falls due to this lack of balance.

I spent the next day storming Heaven for answers and wisdom. I told our heavenly Daddy, "Frankly, I am tired of treading water in this ocean of health issue." God's answer made me laugh as usual.

He said, "Well, that is good news. Since you are tired of treading, now you can float; and rest in my wisdom, love and care." So simple and yet so profound. He always has our best interest in mind.

As a "doer" it will take practice and effort for me to "Let Go and Let God" in yet another area of my life. I will keep you posted; but until then, if you need me, I will be floating through life. LOL.

Father God, thank You for yet another area of life where I can learn to trust You implicitly for the positive results that I need (Romans 8:28). I desire to continue as a viable member of our community, and I resist the devil and his ploys to physically stop me from serving You (James 4:7-11). I trust in You with all of my heart, and I refuse to rely on my human strength and understanding.

I will continue to consult with You in all of my activities, and I know that You are directing me along the path of Your will (Proverbs 3:5-6). You brought me to suppliers for organic meat and veggies in Florida and now in Illinois, and I know You will direct me to a functional doctor if You do not decide to heal my "gut" and immune system supernaturally by Your power and authority.

Thought for the Day:
There is no crisis that we can face that God does not see and have a plan for in our life; He ultimately uses them to perfect us, to open doors for us to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, as well as for Him to get the ultimate glory. 
- John 9:1-3