Thursday, November 23, 2017

Gods Spirit is the Wind Beneath Our Wings

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In Christ, we live, move and have our being (Acts 17:28). His Spirit is the wind beneath our wings, and He helps us to reach new heights in our spiritual maturity.

God showers us with His peace, which transcends the superficial peace offered to us by worldly possessions and philosophies. God's peace prevents our soul from suffering fear and unrest (John 14:27).

God's Holy Spirit within us helps us to abide in His peace, so that the tribulation in this world does not diminish our serenity and joy. When we trust solely in God for our care and provision, He is able to meet all of our needs (Isaiah 26:3).

When we lose God's peace, we know without a doubt that we are attempting to accomplish deeds in our own strength and possibly even according to our own will rather than God's will.

We are often so overwhelmed by fear that we cannot follow God's will in any given moment. Yet, as we learn to trust in Him and to follow His Spirit's direction, we live more victoriously.

God uses us as a vessel for His glory and we make a difference in the lives He brings our way. Using holy boldness to follow the Spirit's leading, we offer to pray for someone or to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

This causes us to walk in deep and abiding joy. God does not call us all to have great public ministries, but what He does call us to do is just as vital and important to the growth of His Kingdom.

We can rise above our initial reaction of fear by allowing God's Spirit to inspire faith in us to obey God's still small voice within our spirit.

Father God, You gave each of us gifts for your glory (Romans 12:6; 1 Timothy 6:17). You did not give them to us so we could use them, however. You gave them to us, so that You can use them through us! Help us to surrender totally to You so that You can use us to further Your Kingdom in our world.

We thank You for Your peace and joy as we walk in Your Spirit each moment of our day. Thank You too for using us to bring Your new life to everyone who is willing to come to You with an open and surrendered heart. We delight in You and are eternally grateful to You for adopting us into Your family.

Thought for the Day:
We are only consumed by our human nature if we refuse to allow God to reveal Christ in us according to His good pleasure.
– Ephesians 1:9