Thursday, November 9, 2017

Our Divine Refuge - Part 2

I like to picture my refuge as the wings of God, beneath which I can hide and find solace, protection and love. I snuggle safely and warmly in my hiding place where no circumstances may harm me.

Regardless of the crisis - physical, mental, emotional, financial, spiritual, etc. - God is always there to carry us through each trial. He even provides a seed for a miracle within each trial.

God gives us several other resources to use in our times of trouble (2 Corinthians 4:8-9): His Word is living water, a lamp to our feet and a light to our path (Psalm 119:105); His Body gives us sounding boards, encouragers, prayer warriors, fellowship and hugs - even those members from all over the world; His Spirit within us allows us to have courage, power and wisdom, which provide the needed resources to overcome our circumstances.

As we mature spiritually, we are no longer babes, needing a constant spot under our Father's wings. We simply run there for comfort during the storms of life, all the while maintaining a continual connection with Christ in us, who is working through us as we surrender to the direction of His Holy Spirit.

When we feel deserted, alone, discouraged, rejected and overwhelmed, we can run to our strong tower (Psalm 61:3). He never leaves or forsakes us (Hebrews 13:5). He has an individual plan for each one of us that brings us joy, peace and fulfillment in this life and the next.

Father God, when our friends turn against us, when the gossips share lies that ruin our reputation, when we lose our job, family member or our mode of transportation, we cry out to You for our salvation from the rising tide of evil all around us. Often these trials bring us to our knees in total surrender to You.

It is these defining moments that set us free from trusting in our human understanding and from attempting to control the people and events in our life that are actually uncontrollable. Surrender is one of the sweetest words we can utter, because it releases us from striving to make a success of our life. It frees us to walk in Your Spirit and to live just one moment at a time.

Thought for the Day:
God is our mighty Rock, our Refuge. We trust in Him at all times and pour out our heart to Him in prayer. - Psalm 62:7-8