Monday, February 19, 2018

A Friend in Jesus

daylight, environment, forest

Once we admit that we are a sinner, we accept Jesus' sacrifice on Calvary's cross as the payment for our sins, and we surrender to the Holy Spirit's sanctification process in our life, we have a wonderful friend in Jesus.

As our friend, Jesus bore the penalty of our sins for us, and He sent His Spirit to comfort us in all of our griefs in this sin-cursed world. Ours is the privilege of bringing every issue in our life to God who cares for us (1 Peter 5:7).

If we attempt to earn our own salvation (Philippians 2:12-13), solve our own problems and make our own riches and success in this life, we needlessly forfeit the grace of God to provide these needs for us.

If we do not totally trust in God as our benevolent Father, we bear the pain and loss of peace in our trials. We have no need to suffer from discouragement or to feel overwhelmed, because Jesus within us experiences and shares our sorrows with us.

Well acquainted with our weakness, foibles and idiosyncrasies, God never judges us, but unconditionally and eternally loves us as we submit to His will for our life. He is our Father God (Exodus 15:2), and He cares about us (Psalm 55:22).

God made an eternal, unbreakable covenant with all those who will believe in Jesus as our Savior. We have a free will and are capable of walking away from Him as an apostate (Hebrews 6:4-8), but God will never, ever leave us or give up on us (2 Chronicles 15:7; Hebrew 12:1-3; Mark 10:26, Philippians 3:7-14; Leviticus 26:11).

Father God, You provide us with the endless. spiritual heritage of Your entire Kingdom as co-heirs with Jesus. We are connected to Your divine presence by Your Spirit within us. We have no need to feel alone, abandoned, discouraged or forlorn, because Your presence in us fills us with hope and a purpose (Psalm 16:11; Ephesians 2:10).

Thank You for giving us a place in Your family and securing our fellowship with Your Saints through all generations, nations, tribes and tongues. We are never alone and we are always encouraged by our unity with You in our soul and spirit. You give us Your joy and peace regardless of the horrendous circumstances which we may suffer.

Thought for the Day:
When the malaise of our circumstances engulfs us, we can remember that we are a part of the Body of Christ, which secures our unity with the presence of Christ in our life, granted to us by His shed blood on Calvary's cross.