We rarely rest in this modern society, because we cannot
shut off our mind or find time in our busy schedule to slow down. With
work-a-holics as parents, we did not learn to rest.
We hardly ever take the time to pause to pray or to
acknowledge God at all (Proverbs 3:5-6). Instead, we rush through life,
controlled by opportunities to amass the almighty dollar, never satisfied and
always wanting more.
We forget that God has a perfect plan for our life, and
that He loves us and cares for every aspect of our life. He gives us His Spirit
to guide and empower us, as well as to give us wisdom.
When God is in control, He replaces our carnal
personality with the fruit of His Spirit. We exhibit love rather than hatred, true
joy rather than depression, peace rather than discontentment, patience rather
than irritation, gentleness rather than criticism, goodness rather than backbiting, meekness rather
than pride, self-control rather than excess, and the faith of God rather than worry,
because we
are controlled and guided by His Spirit.
Love is affection for others; joy is exuberance about
life; peace is serenity; patience is a willingness to persevere; gentleness is
compassion from the heart; goodness is kindness that pervades our entire being;
meekness is humility and service; self-control is to be guided by the Spirit;
faith is to trust that God knows what He is doing (Galatians 5:22-23).
When we realize that our true identity comes from our
relationship with God, and that His opinion of us is all that really matters,
we blossom wherever He plants us.
We live as a praise and honor to His name rather than our
own name. When we yoke up with Jesus, our lot in life becomes easier and
lighter (Matthew 11:30). We enjoy a deep intimacy with Him as our yoke-fellow.
Father God, teach us to appreciate, admire and cherish
those people that You put into our life, regardless of the ways their character
or personality irritates us. Help us to exhibit patience and compassion for
others, and to follow Your Spirit's leading in order to live as a blessing to
Remind us to spend time abiding in Your eternal Sabbath
rest so that we can concentrate on what is truly important in this life. Keep
our focused on Your Kingdom, and enable us to walk in Your ways every moment of
our life. We delight in Your Word and we cherish our intimate union with You.
Thought for the Day:
God gives us work to do for His Kingdom that bears
lasting, eternal fruit. We no longer work for fleeting, temporal treasures, but
we store up our treasure in Heaven where thieves cannot steal it and where rust
and moths cannot destroy it. - Matthew