Saturday, February 3, 2018

God Blesses His Children

Green Mountain Near River Under Cloudy Sky during Daytime

God is always watching out for us. He rewards us, and He even sees what is done in secret (Matthew 6:4). We cannot hide our shame from Him, but His mercy and grace forgive us of every sin (Hebrews 10:26).

Our Father knows what we need before we even ask; but He wants us to seek, ask and knock, so that He can answer and open doors for us. He will always lead us to find what we are seeking (Matthew 6:8, 7:7-8).

God is the Father from whom all fatherhood derives its name (Ephesians 3:15). As parents, even in our primitive human capacity, we give good gifts to our children; however, even more than we, the Lord gives good gifts to everyone who asks Him for them (Matthew 7:11).

God is not an Aladdin's Lamp, granting us all of our wishes; but He does provide us with all of our needs, and walks in us by His Spirit through every trial we will ever experience. He is capable of doing immeasurably more than we can ever imagine (Ephesians 3:20).

Jesus is the only way, truth and life; no one can come to our Father God except through Jesus; because if we see Jesus, we also see the Father, since they are one God. Jesus is the only way for us to experience Salvation (John 14:6-9).

Jesus asked the Father and He sent us His Holy Spirit as our counselor to be with us forever. He guides us into all truth (John 14:16). By the Spirit we have access to the throne of our Father during any time of need (Ephesians 2:18).

His power works in us, and we owe Him all of the glory forever and ever throughout every generation (Ephesians 3:21). He alone is worthy of all of our honor and praise.

Father God, hurry and deliver us from this sin-cursed world. Make haste to help us in these wicked and perverse times in which we live. These are like the days of Noah, when You destroyed everyone but the righteous from the earth. Let those who persecute Your church and despise us to be put to shame. Confound them and their agenda.

To those who desire and delight in our misfortune, confuse and dishonor them. Let them feel shame for the way they dishonor You. Allow them to feel the disgrace, which they heap on us. Let them turn back to Your truth and to feel appalled for the way they treat us. I seek You only. I inquire after You, and I require only You as the source of my total needs. I rejoice in You, because You never cease to make me glad (Psalm 92:4).

Thought for the Day:
How great is the love that our Heavenly Father lavishes on us, giving us the privilege of being called the children of God. - 1 John 3:1