Monday, February 5, 2018

God Does Not Turn His Back on Us

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God does not turn His back on people, but He is disgusted by our reprobate behavior. Even when He hates the behavior of people like Esau, and those who practice a lifestyle of pride, lies, shedding innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, constant mischief, and sowing discord in His Body (Romans 9:13; Proverbs 6:16-19), He still blesses the person.

When Jesus hung on Calvary's cross, bearing the sins of the whole world - past, present and future - God could not look at the sin in Him (Psalm 22:1, 15). Jesus experienced what unbelievers will experience during their eternity separated from God (John 3:18).

God did not reject Jesus. He merely rejected the sins of the whole world, which Jesus carried in Him to the cross. Jesus felt forsaken (Matthew 27:45-46), because He was not rescued from these horrific circumstances of persecution, crucifixion and death.

The Father walked with Jesus during the things which He suffered while He learned obedience (Hebrews 5:8) throughout His 33 years as a human being. Therefore, His suffering on Calvary's cross as a human felt like abandonment.

Yet, He was delivered three days later, when the dynamite power to resurrect Himself coursed through His body (John 10:18). Also, God allowed the suffering of Jesus' crucifixion to end sooner than they normally do. He set Jesus' soul and spirit free from His earthly body in record breaking time (Psalm 22:24).

Jesus only went to the cross out of obedience to our Father in order to offer mankind a way of salvation (Matthew 26:39; Ephesians 5:2; Isaiah 53:9; Philippians 2:8; Acts 2:23). The Trinity is three persons, yet one being with three purposes (John 10:30, 14:9). When Jesus suffered, God and the Spirit felt His pain as well.

Father God, thank You for coming as our pure, spotless, sacrificial Lamb in the human form as Jesus. This freely-given sacrifice allows us to live with You for eternity and to enjoy the presence of Your Spirit within us, which comforts us through every trial and persecution we experience during our lifetime.

We honor the name of Jesus for paying the sin debt of everyone in the whole world - past, present and future - our self included. We can never express enough sorrow for our part in nailing Him to the cross. You did not reject Jesus on the cross and You never reject us either. Only our sin and unbelief separate us from Your love and provision for each moment of our day (John 3:18).

Thought for the Day:
Jesus freed us from eternal death by giving us His eternal Life through His crucifixion and death on Calvary's tree.